C H A P T E R 7

281 9 1

"He can't hit me" you told draco.

Draco smirks and whispers to one of the Slytherin boys at the table, he giggles and the two of them share a glance.

"Matt would never actually hit you? Not even during a fight?" Draco asks, still with a smug tone but it's hidden with him giggling slightly, there's a few boys at the table that are laughing.

"No, I wouldn't dare." Matt answered angry, a few boys snicker at that, it's evident that they think Matt would hit you at least once.

At first there's complete silence at the table, but as soon as Matt answers some of the boys at the Slytherin table start snickering, but they try to keep their laughs quiet to not get Matt's anger directed at them, but at the same time you don't notice it because you're too busy in Matt's arms.

The lunch ends and everyone leaves the room, but as soon as Draco follows the others out Matt whispers into your ear, "Don't mind what they say, you already know who I am and what I won't do to you." He kisses your cheek.

"What we gonna do now?" You asked him.

"I've got a secret to show you." Matt told u.

He takes a sharp right and leads you towards his dorm room, but he stops before you guys enter the room and he faces you, "Promise me you'll keep what I'm going to show you a secret?"

You promised him.

You notice that his voice was a little more soft and serious, he was about to let you in on something important to him.

"Just so you know, what you're about to see has been a secret for many years, so you cannot tell anyone."

"Of course love" you told him.

When he says 'love' it sends a shiver down your spine, you never knew that you'd feel so much emotion from just a simple word.

"Then you can come in, but you can't tell anyone okay?"

You nodded.

He smiles and opens the door to his dorm. You enter the room with him and he closes the door behind you, he takes your hands and leads you over to his bed and sits down and motions for you to come sit next to him.

"Close your eyes, trust me."

You did.

You can hear Matt rummaging around with something and you can also hear a few thumps, and after about a few minutes, you hear him tell you "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

You open your eyes and your eyes widen as you're unable to believe what you're seeing, all over his wall, are several photos and drawings of you. "Do you like them?"

You shocked standing up looking at them.

Matt can't help but laugh a little at your reaction. "I mean, the drawings are a little crude but I think they work no? Do you like 'em?" It's clear that he's put a lot of thought behind them and has spent a great amount of time on them as well.

"Why u did that?" You asking smiling.

"It's just something I like doing, I really enjoy your smile, and your eyes are very nice." He smiles, he seems genuinely happy that you liked the photos and drawings.

You smiled even more and hugged him.

Matt smiles and hugs her back, he wraps his arms around her as he kisses her on the forehead, he holds the hug for a little while before pulling away, he looks at her with a smile and strokes her hair.

"You are so adorable Matt" you told him.

Matt chuckles and he smiles gently, he brushes a few strands of hair behind your ear and he strokes your hair, he seems very affectionate and he just wants to hold you.

You kissed his cheek.

Matt's face goes red again and he strokes your hair a little bit longer before stopping, you notice his cheeks are slightly redder and he smiles at you lovingly.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Matt asks, he looks at you intently, he seems to want your approval before saying anything.

You nodded looking at him.



° {Soft Matt mode on}.

° {to be countie..}

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