C H A P T E R 3

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You head back to your class, the next class was boring, the professor was droning on and on and on.

As you look around, you spot Mattheo looking in your direction, he’s paying attention to the professor but every now and then you catch him glancing in your direction.

The lesson was long and boring, as class finally ends, you head out of the room and look around.

You spot a familiar face waiting for you, Mattheo is standing outside the classroom, standing up against the wall.

He looks at you, waiting, there is a small grin on his face that grows into a soft smile.

He doesn’t say a word, but he gestures for you to follow him.

He leads you to a quiet place outside of the castle, there are a few trees here but not as busy as the library or courtyard.

Mattheo looks around, making sure there is no one around, he turns to you, and gestures again for you to sit down, he sits down opposite of you.

"What you want?" You asked annoyed.

He seems a little annoyed, but he’s trying to hide it. “Do you actually want to know why I slapped you earlier?”

“It’s because I felt angry.” He says, his voice was stern but a gentle smile was on his face. “Now I know this probably won’t make any sense, but I liked the way you stood up to me earlier. Nobody has had the guts to call me out on my shitty behavior.”

"Because you are a shit" she said crossing her arms.

“Okay, fine, I am a shit, and I’m sure most would agree with that statement but you still did something no one ever did…” he leans in closer to you, “You stood up to me.”

"Yes i did bec you nothing so scary" you said looking at him.

“You are a little annoying though,” he leans back and lets out a chuckle, “But your sass makes you more interesting.”

You smirked.

“Can I ask you something stupid now?” he said.

"You asking ao much, ok ask" you said.

“If I slapped you again right now or said something rude to you, would you stand up to me?”

"You want me to stand up to you?" She looking at him asking confused.

“Yes, can you?” Mattheo asks, “I want you to stand up to me.”

"I will defend myself of course" you told him.

“Good, it’s nice to see someone put me in my place for once.” He looks down at the grass, kicking at it with his shoe.

“Can I touch your cheek real quick?” He says, looking up at you and waiting for you to answer.

"Why?" You asking looking at him confused little.

“Just.. let me.” He stares at you, and reaches his hand over, his fingers are lingering close to your face.

You nodded.

He touches your cheek, he runs his finger over your cheek, where the bruise had been. You can feel his touch, he seems gentle.

His touch was gentle and he touched the bruise lightly, you still felt a bit of pain, but he was being careful.

"Oww" you felt little pain on your cheek.

He notices the small sound you make when you said “Ow,” he pulls his hand away immediately, “Did that hurt?”

You nodded slowly.

“I know…” He whispers, looking away from you, he sighs as he brings his hand up to his face again, “Look, if I knew it would result in this, I would’ve never slapped you in the first place.”

"It's ok what happened just happened" you said.

“Are you sure?” He asks, “I’d like to make it up to you in some way.”

You looked at him "What you mean Mattheo?".


° {What he's trying to say?}

°{to be countie..}♡

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