C H A P T E R 11

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“You won’t tell anyone about how we’re dating, right? Because I’m supposed to be this all-cold, badass with no emotions, and if people find out that this all-cold heart of mine was melted by you, my reputation will get ruined.” Matt smiles softly at you as he looks at you, waiting to see what you’ll respond to him.

"What u exactly mean Matt?" You asked him.

“My reputation, I’m supposed to be a tough, mean dude, but now I’m just being a total simp for you, and if people find out that a girl managed to melt my cold heart and make me simp for her, my reputation will get ruined and everyone will laugh at me.”

"Omg yes i understand but u being cold with your friends too when i be with you, that's mean everyone will know about us easy without a problem right?" You asked him.

“Yeah but I act like I just don’t care in front of my friends. I still act mean towards them and I just ignore them most times, but I’m worried that they’ll see how I look at you and stuff and then everyone will start wondering what’s so special about you that makes me so nice towards you and then they might realize that I’m actually obsessed with you.”

"I don't know what is the problem to show your love for me in front of people like normal Matt, i don't see any problem" you told him confused.

“Because I’m not normal when it comes to you, people are probably going to judge me and say what the hell I’m doing, I can already imagine the looks I’ll get. I think our relationship needs to be a secret or people will just bully me for being so madly in love with you.”

"What? You always telling me that you don't care about people, i just don't understand you" you said so confused about his words.

"I don't like it Matt, I'm so confused, i don't need us be a secret i want to let all people know that we in a relationship and that we dating" you told him.

“But people will laugh at me for dating you, and everyone will think that I’m just a big simp for you and that I should do better. I’m not supposed to be with someone like you, I’m supposed to be with some beautiful, elegant, royal girl and not some randomer like you.”

"What you mean about randomer girl like me? You mean that I'm not beautiful elegant like u saying?" You asked him.

“I mean, you’re beautiful in your own way but people don’t realize what makes you beautiful like I do, they’ll think you’re just some normal girl and that there’s nothing special about you. But in reality, every tiny detail about you makes you beautiful, the way you act, the way you speak, even the way you walk, everything just captures me but I guarantee you that people don’t see what I see.”

"WTF you are saying Matt, no one thinking like that you suppose to be yourself in front of anyone with the girl you love, what you saying telling me that you ashamed from our relationship" you told him with a confusion face.

“I’m not ashamed of the relationship itself, I’m ashamed of the way I’m acting towards you because I’m acting way too obsessed with you. You’re supposed to be just another girl that I’m just supposed to hook up with but here I am, obsessed with you and acting like I can’t survive without you.” He sighs, “God, I can’t believe I’m actually acting like this”.

You were so mad from inside and it showed on your face you don't know what to say.

“You can be really mad at me if you want, I deserve it for being such a jerk to you and treating you like this. You are so far from a random girl and I should be treating you like such a princess. I’ll make sure to treat you much better, I’m just scared of getting made fun of, I really am. The whole point is that people will laugh at me for falling for you like this.”

"I don't wanna talk, i got so much from you i.." you stopped don't know what to do or say.

Matt was scared, he felt like you were pissed off and upset with him and he didn’t want to lose you.

“You’re probably pissed with me and you want to leave, I get it, you’re probably gonna leave me for someone better right? You’re probably gonna go find a more handsome, more popular and more intelligent guy than me right?”

"No no you don't understand, i don't need you feel anything bad from people for how acting to our relationship Matt" you told him.

“But it’s the truth, I don’t deserve you, I’m a bad person and you’re just an innocent girl, what the hell do you see in me?! I’m probably the worst person for you to fall in love with.”

"It's not you because here i fall for you and that's not making any of your words true" you said looking away.

Matt sighs, he knows that he’s not perfect but he truly loves her. He never expected to fall for a girl like her but she somehow managed to make him fall for her and now he has no idea how he used to cope without her, she was his everything and he would never get rid of her.

“Can I ask you one more thing?”

You nodded.

“Will you never leave me? I know people will bully me for dating someone like you but I still need to know that you’ll always be by my side no matter what.”

"I will be by your side Matt always" you told him looking at him.

“Even regardless of what people say, you’ll stick by my side.”

He smiles and hugs you closely, he’s never felt so relieved in his life, he thought he was going to lose you when he was sure he’d pissed you off and pushed you away for good but thank god you stayed.


° {Good end of the chapter}.

° {To be countie}.

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