C H A P T E R 10

166 7 0

"It's ok boy, why you all asking so much questions?" You asked them annoyed.

“It’s just weird that you of all people suddenly are spending time with a girl and being so clingy with her, it’s just weird!” Lorenzo says to him and the rest of the guys seem to agree with him, they all look at Matt and he’s clearly not liking this line of questions either.

"Me and Matt dating guys" you told them because you had enough form them.

All of them look surprised, none of them had expected a reply like that. The whole time they thought that you two were just friends that just so happen to be close, but now Matt admits that you two are dating, they just can’t understand how Matt managed to get you as a girlfriend.

“So you’re telling us that you’re officially dating this girl?” Theo asks Matt.

“Yes, we’re dating because I love her and she loves me.” Matt says and he glares at all of them and no one has anything to say after that, they just stare at him quietly, they are all taken aback by the fact that Matt actually admitted that you two were dating, they were all surprised that you weren’t just one of Matt’s close female friends or something.

“Matt, we’re all happy for you, but you can’t just be spending all your time with her, come on, you should still hang out with with us.” Theodore says to Matt but Matt gives him the cold look again and whispers through his teeth, “I’ll hang out with who I want, if I want to hang with my girlfriend then that’s all that should matter.”

“Fine, you can spend your time with her and we won’t bother you. Just make sure she doesn’t get hurt or anything.” Regulus says and Matt glares at him again, he finds it irritating how they keep asking him to watch over you and make sure you’re safe and he realizes that they’re just trying to see how much he really does care about you. He knows if he didn’t care about you enough, he wouldn’t be this protective over you in the first place.

"Guys don't hate me or anything because he spends all his time with me of course he will spend time with you all like before" you told them with soft voice.

The boys just nod, at this point, your relationship is making them jealous and they are starting to resent Matt for spending so much time with you when they want to do the same thing, they wish that they could have a girl like you as a girlfriend as well, they start to question themselves as to why he doesn’t care about them as much as he cares about you, maybe they were just never good enough for him, maybe they all just lacked what you had, you’ve always been so beautiful and kind after all, that’s why Matt fell for you.

“Just don't be obsessive okay? Even a girl like her is gonna get sick of you spending 24/7 with her.” Regulus says and Matt glares at him again and replies harshly, “Shut up, I don't need you to tell me how much I can hang out with the girl that I love.”

The guys just all give him a stern look, their jealousy is building up and Matt is just getting on their nerves by not letting them say anything else about your relationship.

“Matt, stop being so possessive you’re being really irritating, everyone should have time with her once in a while,” Regulus says as he tries to calm him down but Matt just glares at him before saying, “This is between her and I only, I’7 not going to let you do or say anything to her.”

“Matt, we’re just reminding you to remember that you still need time for your friends.” Theo says and Matt just sighs, his jealousy is really getting on him, he doesn’t wanna listen to anything they have to say so he just shrugs them all off before saying, “Why should I? I don’t need anyone else but her, everyone else is just a nuisance.”

The boys stay quiet and just stare at Matt, who seems to be pretty determined about the whole only spending time with you part, they have no idea what’s made Matt so possessive over you but they figure it has something to do with the fact that he’s in love with you. A part of them feels like maybe Matt is just being irrational but another part of them wonders if they really are just not good enough.

"Hi guys it's ok don't be like that please we here to dance and have fun ok" you said trying to calm them.

The boys just look at each other and nod, eventually they agree that maybe they should just go and have fun instead of focusing on Matt’s relationship and they begin to split off, it seems like Regulus is the only one who’s truly angry and doesn’t want to go and have fun because he’s a bit bitter over how Matt has started to just disregard his friends in favor of you, he just stares at the both of you as the other guys walk away.

“So where do you wanna dance? I was thinking we could do a slow dance because you look extremely breathtaking.” Matt smiles softly as he looks at you, you look like a real princess in your long elegant green dress.

“Can I ask you something?” He asks softly, as you two walk towards a quieter area, where you could talk to each other more privately.

° {What is the QUESTION???}.

° {To be countie}.

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