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Chapter 41, The King's Return Day (5).

  The driver was holding a box of stinky tofu in his hand. He hadn't eaten it yet.

    He saw Yin Guo lying on the armrest, worried, and put the box of stinky tofu in his hand.

   The cardboard box was handed under her nose.

    She shook her head and said thank you, but was not in the mood to eat.

  The driver saw that no one was there, so he took the opportunity to call his son.

     He said he had a fight with his wife and asked his son to put in a good word.

  Under the shade of the trees, a cool breeze blew.

   After the driver hung up the phone, he showed a rare trace of the embarrassment of an old-school man: "I just didn't wash my grandson's socks. I washed them every day. I was too lazy to wash them that day, and my wife scolded me like a dog. My head is bleeding."

  What a strange reason for a quarrel...

  "But in two days, why don't you just wash your socks? It's just a matter of one breath." The driver added.

  When she thought about it, it was right.

  That's just one breath.


  Lin Yi Yang returned to the ball room at noon.

  Jiang Yang was looking for something to wear in his closet: "I'm going to meet someone today, so I want to borrow one."

  "Meeting a girl?" he asked.

  "Yes. We met on a blind date," Jiang Yang took the initiative to explain, took out a light gray shirt from the closet, put on two sleeves, and tied the buttons one by one: "I met the girl who was just divorced last year twice, and she was pretty good. To develop smoothly, maybe it will be faster than you get married."

  After saying that, he added: "I don't want to talk about friends anymore, I'm tired. I see you were tired for you last night."

   After Jiang Yang finished putting on his shirt, he saw Lin Yi Yang throwing it on the table he picked up a stack of brochures and deposited invoices and took a look at them.

  Last month, the two of them were competing together and rode a motorcycle once.

  It can be regarded as catching up with the trend. It is a gentleman's riding that first became popular in Australia, Europe and the United States. Men have to wear the most formal suits, shirts and ties while racing.

  Suits and drag racing were the passions of the men in Dongxin City, so Jiang Yang got interested and borrowed their cars for a few laps.

   At that time, Lin Yi Yang was wearing a black suit and shirt, but without a tie.

   Jiang Yang was wearing a dark gray suit. He even bought contact lenses to wear a helmet and had a great time.

   Fan Wenzhou commented on the two brothers.

    One was a gangster in gentleman's skin,and the other was an old fox in human skin.

    Any girl's heart would be shaken when he met them.

  Jiang Yang guessed that he bought this to coax his wife into using it.

  When he saw Lin Yi Yang fidgeting last night, he knew that he and his girlfriend were quarreling: "In the beginning, they all wore filters, and they looked good no matter how they looked, but gradually the protective film disappeared, and you have to adapt to both the good and the bad. I'll talk to you tonight about this matter of friends."

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