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Chapter 32 The passion is still in my heart (5)

  His parents are gone, his brother has been adopted by someone else, and only Yin Guo is the only close person left.

     The only club he was close to many years ago failed to keep, and now he wants to keep Yin Guo by his side.

  But what to keep?

  His throat was dry, and he stood up straight from the table.

     He instinctively picked up the cue stick propped beside the table, slowly walked to the cue rack, and placed it in the last position on the far right.

  After doing this, he waved his hand with his back to Li Qing Yan and left.

  Lin Yi Yang left the ball room, got on the elevator, and pressed the wrong floor button.

  Somehow, he reached the lobby on the first floor.

Did he subconsciously want to get out?

  Outside, the heavy rain has just stopped.

     In the lobby, guests are going through the check-in and check-out procedures.

   There are players who were eliminated in today's group stage, carrying their club cases and suitcases, waiting for the taxis called by the hotel outside the gate...

  Once the brain is intoxicated by alcohol, it will feel that the surrounding space is virtual, and it will not be able to distinguish the past, present, and future.

  This is New York, how did he get here.

  It seems that yesterday he drank too much at an unknown roadside stall and was kindly dragged into the store by the boss, where he slept on a bench until he woke up.

      Late that night, he woke up, smelling of alcohol, and the landlady kindly took off his school uniform and stuffed it into his cross-body schoolbag: "Be careful if the teacher catches you, he will punish you."

  That day, yesterday, in hometown.

  Today, today, in New York.

  Later, Lin Yi Yang didn't know how he got to the Plaza Hotel. He wanted to come over before it started to rain.

     There was a very good dessert shop, Lady M, on the basement floor, and he wanted to buy some for Yin Guo.

  He also asked Wu Wei, who said that there were already many branches in the country and he could no longer deceive the little girl.

  But he still wants to buy it for her, just in case she hasn’t tried it before.

     This is the place of origin, so the taste may be better?


  At around ten o'clock, Yin Guo was in the hotel room, tossing and turning on the bed, feeling uneasy.

  She felt a little panicked.

  People from both football clubs are here, and it’s the first time for brothers to reunite for a drink after many years.

    If they don’t stop, how will they drink? She took out her cell phone and sent a message to Lin Yi Yang, but there was no reply.

     She sent a message to Meng Xiao Dong, but there was no reply either.

  At the end, she find Wu Wei.

  Xiao Guo: How much have you drank? My brother and Lin Yi Yang didn’t reply.

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