Sanguini's Vino Rosso Extrodinaire

Start from the beginning

"That's brilliant," Alice remarked, surprised.

"It's like Moody always says, Fabian and Gideon could really do some amazing things if they applied themselves move," Frank shrugged.

"So with this device," Lily said, "If I had on the matching ear, I could hear what Sev says to you?"

"And you could tell him what to say to make it convincing," James said, nodding, and he looked up, meeting Dumbledore's eyes. "Just like the loud duck to the charming duck in Walt's cartoon."

"Precisely," Dumbledore smiled.

"Alright," James said. "So once she's talked to Snape, then what?"

"Then we catch ourselves a vampire," Dumbledore replied. 

"What's the purpose of catching the vampire?" asked Frank.

"Information," Dumbledore replied. "And to put into place not one... but two... spies."

"Aren't we the spies?"

"You will be forging the path."

"Who are the spies?" James asked.

Dumbledore smiled, "You need only know what you need to know. The fewer people who know the full plan, the better. Your part tonight will be to create the confusion that enables our spies to infiltrate both the headquarters of Voldemort and the halls of the Vampires to gain information upon what we are going up against, what the plans are, where alliances truly lie, and what it might take us to reroute those alliances to our favor."

"Alright," Lily said, "And how do we do that?"

"Once we have our legilimens," Dumbledore said, "Then, we do the catching."

"And what's the plan for that?" James asked.

Dumbledore said, "Highgate Cemetery has long been associated with Vampires, even in muggle lore, and for good reason - there have been many legitimate sightings of them coming and going at the gates... or near to them. Directly beside the gates of Waterlow Park, which is contained within the same area as the Cemetery, there is an establishment by the name of the Sanguini's Vino Rosso Extrodinaire, nestled and unnoticed by muggles. Sanguini's is a terribly expensive Italian bistro, tucked between a Dry Cleaner's and a General Store. The unwary visitor who happens upon the establishment who is not their preferred clientele would likely pay for their faux pas with their life. You see, the truth is that Sanguini has no vino russo on hand, but rather, the bottles that Sanguini's sells is --"

"Blood?" Alice guessed, pale, eyes wide.

Dumbledore smiled, "One must be careful when they order a bottle of red at Sanguini's."

James made a face of disgust.

"It is there, at Sanguini's, where the plan first commences - before the meeting with Severus Snape and Antonin Dolohov, the vampire Matija Blagojevic always stops by Sanguini's..."

Sanguini's was just as dismal as Lily had pictured it when Dumbledore had described it. And so it must be on the face of it in order to keep the interest of muggles and non-Vampires from venturing too close. Even from outside, the place was dirty and musty looking, the windows fugged with untellable grime. A small wood sign creaked over the door, caught in a chilly breeze, a painted wine glass, spilling blood red droplets, one of which formed the apostrophe in the name Sanguini's.

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