I Mean... The Match Was Alright

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"Alright, Padfoot?" James asked when Sirius reappeared at the campsite in the Place of Invisible Sheep early in the evening.

Sirius had been gone all day since his realization about the Thestrals and had missed a good deal of fun that James, Jasper, and Oliver had, playing pick-up with some of the other lads hanging around the pitch in anticipation of the match the next day. They had all been quite impressed with Oliver, who had outflown several strong players that had been playing, including a couple guys on the reserve for the national league. But here he was, nearly half eight, and Sirius came wandering up the path to the campsite, whistling, as though nothing had happened and he'd been there all along.

He sank into the chair he'd vacated earlier as James asked the question and looked over at his mate, eyes sparkling as bright as ever. "Whyever wouldn't I be alright?" he asked.

"Dunno," James shrugged. "Just thought I'd check."

Sirius grinned. "What a good harem. Always looking out for me." He blew James a kiss and proceeded to position himself in one of his odd, pretzely ways, legs all coiled up and liquidy, like he'd been poured onto the chair.

James pretended to catch the kiss and shoved it in his pocket. "I'll save that for Tuesday."

Jasper shook his head, "You lot are mental, the both of you."

James tilted his head to look at Jasper. "Why am I, though? It's all Sirius that's mental."

"You play along with him."

"So don't you."

Jasper grinned.

"He's got you Odair, Jazzy," Sirius said, grinning.

"Well if it ain't James Potter and Sirius Black, I swear there ain't a lick of change about y'all since I seen ya last."

James looked up at the sound of the thick Texas-American accent and was surprised to see Jack Scout, the man who'd been the captain of the Ilvermorny team back in second year when the American school had come to Hogwarts to play a tournament. If James hadn't changed "a lick", then Jack certainly had. He'd gotten stronger looking and he wore a beard and glasses now. He smiled as he sauntered up, hands deep in his pockets, a baseball cap on his head.

James stood up and offered his hand to Jack. "Hullo, long time no see."

"I swear ain't a thing changed 'bout you but you got a bit taller'n you were," Jack laughed and he pulled James into a hug, clapping his hand on his back hard - James grunted with each clap. "How've you been you so-in-so?"

"Been alright," James said, pulling back from the hug. "How about you? I hear you're a big shot in the league now, 'ey?"

Sirius had stayed laying across his chair and he simply gave Jack a salute. He refused to stand up and get clapped on the back like that. If James had grunted at the claps, then surely Sirius's shoulder blades would snap.

Jack tipped his cap at Sirius. "Yeah, been workin' with the International Quidditch League all over the world, helpin' plug talented players into the best fittin' teams for'em. Been a great time, really great time. And you know I can't complain, I get to watch quidditch and come to events like this basically free on account'a I know half the teams... Been doin' it awhile now, really havin' a blast."

"Excellent," James said. "Good on you, mate."

"And you - ya so-in-so," Jack said, turning to look at Jasper. "What's this I heard about you gettin' hitched to my girl, Meg Johnson? That true?"

"Married Wednesday," Jasper said, grinning and holding up his hand to show off the wedding band on it.

"Well glory be, look'it that! Congratulations, man."

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