I'm So Sorry That We're The Same Soul

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French toast - even french toast as good as Moony's - was not enough to distract Marlene.

"Did that kid just say he's a werewolf?"

"Darling, what else would you expect? He's Newt Scamander's!" Sirius drawled.

"He just said it so calmly, my God," Marlene said, shaking her head.

Sirius shrugged.

"Look, I know how you feel about werewolves, that's what got you in trouble this weekend, isn't it?" Marlene said, rolling her eyes at Sirius. "I've never met someone so incredibly passionate about something that has nothing to do with him before."

Sirius shrugged again. "Sorry, but treating people like human beings instead of diseased animals seems like the sort of thing that has something to do with all of us, doesn't it?"

"You know what I mean," Marlene said, "I mean, I care as much as the next kind hearted person, but it isn't our fight, is it?"

Sirius said, "I dunno Marly, why limit ourselves to being passionate only about what personally effects us, right?"

"It just seems like you get in an awful lot of trouble defending them and -- Oh, wait. Is it because of this kid that you're so worried about the rights of the werewolves?"

"Sure why not," Sirius said.

"I mean, that's sweet as fuck if it is."

"Nobody ever said I was anything but sweet. Like honey. That's me. Sirius Black, sweet as candied sugar." He grinned at the annoyance clear on her face. "You should know. Your mouth has been on me."

Marlene rolled her eyes in disgust, "Ugh! Don't remind me of that heinous experience."

"It was most definitely non-heinous," Sirius said, smirking. "You've likely been having dreams of me ever since our practice rounds back in third and forth year and --"

Marlene made a gagging sound.

Sirius eyed her, his mouth twisted with absolute evil amusement. "We were truly ridiculous back then."

"You were."

"I'm truly ridiculous always," he argued.

"I hope you don't think I'm going to say something like 'oh no Sirius don't call yourself ridiculous, you're not' because that, sir, would be a straight bold-faced lie."

"Or a very gay bold-faced lie, as the case might be, my little vixen." He slid onto the chair beside her so that the chair was backwards and he was straddling it, watching her eat the french toast and said, "Marlene, my love, I simply must know every gory detail. Did Janis work her blue kozmic magic last night?"

Marlene grinned, "A woman does not kiss and tell."

"HA!" Sirius guffawed and pointed at her, "You did a lot more than kiss her, I can tell, your bloody face is about as red as Merlin's left tit after a good twist!"

Marlene choked. "You sick little pervert."

"What? Merlin loved it." Sirius hugged the seatback. "So things are right with the world again in Emmarlene land?"

"Emmarlene land?"

"It's where you and Emma live rent free in my head."

"Glad to know we have a home there."

"It's more of a flat, really," Sirius said, "Bit of a shitty one on the south side, but you manage."

Marlene laughed, "Bloody hell Sirius, you're so weird."

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now