CXXXVI: Too Flocking Grape

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Roger would be a liar to say that he hadn't been a part of the bets - putting his two sickles on Snape is the Grim and Harry dies by a potions exam goes wrong, which Fred had hilariously illustrated on the flyers they'd handed out for advertising their gambling bracket. However, Roger did feel rather guilty about it now; given how awful being one of the grim victims of this term felt, he wished he'd been a bit kinder to Harry Potter and all the other previous victims.

Suddenly Roger realized he'd been so deep in thought that several people had gathered around him to look at the notice on the wall and he was surrounded by jostling bodies attempting to get closer to have a look. Chatter erupted immediately, loud and punctuated by squeals and shouts as everyone in the castle started talking about the arrival of the delegations - and on the eve before Halloween, too!

"I wonder if Cedric knows? Think I'll go and tell him!" Ernie Macmillan, speak of the devil, was saying as he broke away from the crowd, hurrying toward the corridor that led away to the Hufflepuff common room.

"If I know what?" Cedric Diggory's voice came from behind Roger, even as Ernie disappeared thinking he was going to find Cedric. Roger turned 'round to find Cedric had somehow worked his way through the crowd to stand right beside him.

"Delegations from the other schools are coming," Roger answered. "Halloween."

Cedric read the entire ntoice outloud. "Students are expected to be on their best behavior," Cedric finished the notice and a grin played upon his lips. "Hear that, Fleet? It's the petrificas totalus for you, mate."

"Reckon that means we're meant to bring the fireworks, actually," Fleet's eyes sparked excitedly.

Cedric laughed. "No, I don't reckon that's what they wanted you to get of it."

Herbert Fleet grinned. "What kind of welcome is a welcome without fireworks?"

"The proper sort, Mr. Fleet!" came McGonagall's voice from behind him.

Fleet turned about and faced her, "Oh right, of course," Herbert said, but his lips quivered with the grin.

McGonagall sighed and shook her head at him as if she was wondering what she was to do with him. Luckily for her, Herbert Fleet wasn't particularly her head ache to deal with. Poor Madam Sprout.

The boys watched as she threw open the doors to the Great Hall and lunch officially got underway... and thank goodness, too, Roger thought. "See you lot," he said quickly, hurrying for the stacks of sandwiches now piled on the house tables.

Roger was at the Ravenclaw table, eating his sandwich and crisps, when there was a tentative tap on his shoulder and he looked up from his textbook, still chewing the bite of his sandwich he'd just taken. Cho Chang stood behind him, her almond face flushed as the gaggle of girls she usually sat with further down giggled uproariously, watching her approach Davies.

"Roger?" Cho said, her voice a melodic little sound, something like the twittering of a bird on a Spring day. "Might I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" he asked.

"You know Cedric Diggory?" Cho asked.

Roger shrugged, "A bit."

"It's just - I was wondering - if perhaps - you might - you might introduce me to him sometime?" she asked, and the flush to her cheeks grew redder as the other girls down the bench let out a new peal of giggles at the question.

"Introduce you?" Roger asked.

"You know, so - so I might say hullo to him now and then... when I see him... 'round."

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