Part 168 - Mami and Mommy

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I currently had two adult men on their knees by my crotch. And I was tearing up.

Not from sadness or pain.

But from my heart exploding...

Damien and Dom both read that babies can hear what's going on outside... So they think if he hears their voices the most, he'll like them the most.

So... here they were, instead of practicing their lines for Raw, they were in this corner backstage with me.

When Rhea threatened their lives for my safety when she left for her meeting, I did not expect for it to be like this.

If they thought they could be a favourite doing this... I'm afraid Rhea had them one upped, because she had been doing this all the time.

"Anyway, that's basically how I met your mom- eh well... mami?" Dom looked up at me confused. "Mom." He settled on and repeated. "She choked me out with her thighs."

Damien rolled his eyes. "Be for real. I met your mom years and years ago."

I smiled watching them, just now noticing Ellie watching nearby. She looked so in love with Damien, like she was for sure having baby fever. She loved their little fights over who is going to be the favourite uncle.

So did I.

Someone else caught my eye. "Dom." I whispered, motioning across the room. "Go introduce yourself."

Dom looked Rosas way and then back to me, a little sadness in his eyes. "No thanks."

"I'll punch you." I tell him.

"Woah." He sat back.

I smiled. "Just so Rosa has to tend to you. Then you can meet her."

Dom chuckled and paid attention back to my very big stomach. Coming closer, checking with me. "Can I listen?"

I giggled. "Sure."

Dom very softly put his ear on my stomach, waiting and listening. It was so quiet...

Dom gasped and smiled up at me. "I swear I can hear the heartbeat." And he went back to listening.

He kicked.

Dom bounced up and his mouth opened, sort of in shock. "What the fuck was that?"

"He kicked." I told him happily.

"See, he doesn't like you." Damien pointed out.

Dom looked offended. "Or... He likes me more and that was him telling me that."

I laughed listening to the two.

Dom was wrenched back and onto his backside. I looked up and Rhea was glaring at him. "Why are you so fucking close to her? Huh?" She turned to Damien who shuffled back. "Don't touch her, get out of-"

I grabbed Rheas hand. "Hey."

She looked at me, attention coming onto me. "Hey, you ok?" She squat down, taking the guys place in front of me. Hands gentle on my stomach

"Very." I smiled at her, glancing and Dom and Damien who had started another argument. "Who do you think he'll like more? Dom or Damien?"

Rhea looked to the wall, like she wanted to tell me to shut the fuck up. But she held it back. "Me, baby." She rubbed over my stomach, smiling now. "He's gonna love me... Because I'm the one that cooks for you all the time huh?" Rhea whispered low at my belly, making my heart swell. And something else ache... Rhea continued. "I feed you. I feed your mommy. She sleeps all the time... taking up the whole bed." She glanced at me and smirked, I swatted her on the arm. "But it's ok, because it's for you both." Rhea found one of my hands with hers.

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