Part 80 - Champion

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Rhea held my hand inside the lobby, pulling me into the elevator, and instead of kissing me, she just pulled me into a large hug. Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, flowing her fingers through my hair. "You sure you're ok after today?"

I nodded in her chest. "Very sure."

"Wasn't too much for you?" She asked softly in my hair.

"I'm really fine." I replied.

Seeming pleased with my answer, Rhea led us into the hotel room and locked the door. I sat on the bed and watched her begin to strip herself.

She'd already rubbed all her makeup off, undoing her hair so now it's all messy. She undressed down to a black sports bra and simple g string. She didn't dress back up, just went to the bathroom.

I stood up to begin undressing myself. I was topless with my panties on, when Rhea came in, and I could basically hear the smile on her face behind me. "Undressing for me already? I didn't even have to ask you." Rhea whispered.

I looked at her over my shoulder as she came towards me. She softly gripped my shoulders to turn me around, then carefully hooking her hands under my thighs to lift me up. "Let go of those ugly pajama shorts."

Rhea looked to my between us where my flowery blue pajama bottoms were in my hand. "But you like them."

Rhea shook her head. "Very false, Flo."

She had to be joking. She loves them.

"What would you rather want me to wear in bed then?" I asked, throwing the bottoms away, as she slowly lowered me onto the bed on my back. She come between my legs and settled there, looking down at me.

Rhea smiled a little. "Remember that sexy little black piece you wore for me? When you tried to give me a lap dance..."

I squinted in offence. "It's a bit tricky when you have a gunshot-"

Rhea put her hand firmly on my mouth. "Shut up, you're too fucking pretty to talk about that." She looked down my body. My naked breasts and stomach. Between us to where we both were wearing panties. "You're tits are fucking perfect, angel." Rhea whispered, running her hands over them, avoiding the nipples to tease me.

I found Rheas shoulders to hold as my back arched a little, breath picking up she caresses the skin. "Rhea..."

"Yes, baby girl?" Rhea said. "Use your words or I don't know what you want? Use that dirty little mouth of yours to tell me what you want?" Rhea bent over to kiss on my breasts, using her tongue around my nipple, continuing to tease me.

I put my hands in her hair, watching the way she used her tongue so perfectly on my skin. So expertly. It just came out of me, I didn't even know that that's what I'd say, or we'll, ask of Rhea. "Rougher."

Rhea pulled back to look at me, small smirk on her face. "Does Mami's little girl want to be treated like a slut, huh?"

Oh wow.

Rhea pushed my hair from my red face, a little harshly. "I can give you rough, baby, only if you beg so nicely to me." Rhea suddenly pulled me up slowly, off the bed completely. "Get down on your knees and beg." She pushed me on the shoulders, and I sank to my knees in front of her. My eyes roamed to between her legs just in front of me. Rhea grabbed my hair and yanked it back so I looked up at her. "You wanna touch me, do you? Maybe lick my cunt out, huh Flo?"

I rubbed my lips together. Nodding.

Rhea grabbed my cheeks, making my lips pucker by the force. It was a degrading hold on my face. "If you're a good girl, I'll think about." Rhea spat on my cheek. Her saliva dripping down my jaw. "Beg, slut." She let go of my cheeks sharply, tilting her head and waiting.

And Still | Rhea Ripley | Possessive and Smutty Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora