Part 34 - Disgusting

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Rhea was just staring at me. No... she was glaring at me from across the backstage area. She'd noticed a few minutes ago and literally didn't move.

I told Liam to hurry because I was scared for his well-being, but he was putting a Band-Aid across my elbow now and Rhea hadn't come over.

For her to not even interrupt this. To just let it happen, it had to be a new sort of angry. And I was honestly scared of that. It's the most she's made me scared of her.

"All done, Flo."" Liam said as he slowly let my skin go and pack his first aid kit up. "Will heal up fine."

"Thanks." I muttered, just wanting to leave. Jon left a minute ago too, claiming he had to leave.

I was about to pretend to go to the bathroom, because I couldn't face her like that, when a manager come out and stopped me. It was a woman I had spoken with before. "Florence. Just the woman we wanna talk to. Please come with me." She said, and I followed her tentatively through the hall and into a small meeting room.

The woman did exactly what Jon said WWE would, offer me a position at Smackdown. I agreed as quickly and kindly as I could? As she handed me the cities schedule and told me the details. With the extra money, I could probably get an apartment in two cities... I was quiet surprised at the raise I was getting.

"Thank you so much." I wished the woman well as I left the room, shutting the door to back into the hall.

Well... now what?

I pulled my phone out and saw no message or anything from Rhea, which was even more frightening. It made me a little nervous, did she just leave? She wouldn't have without me, right? We were sharing a room, plus there was someone after us.

Leaning against the wall, I texted Rhea.

Florence: Where are you? x

Florence: I miss you

As I waited for a reply, I also let Jon know that they offered it and I accepted it. He was extremely happy that I was going to be joining him. The sweetest boy.

Deciding to just try and look for Rhea, I walked down the hall. As I rounded the corner, I ran into Logan. "Oh, hey." I said, and he beamed at me.

"Hey, Flo. How's it going?" He asked. "You right after all of that out there? I didn't take it too far did I?" He laughed.

I brushed him off kindly. "No you're really fine. It's definitely going to give you and Trevor more heat." As I said it, Rhea caught my eye at the end of the hall. She seemed to be walking past, maybe looking for me but she saw us and stopped. Her face basically turned to "do you seriously want to keep testing me right now?" Stopping and watching us from the other end of the hall.

 Her face basically turned to "do you seriously want to keep testing me right now?" Stopping and watching us from the other end of the hall

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Okay, this wasn't helping my situation at all. It was all getting worse.

He nodded. "I agree, thanks for that." He softly rubbed my shoulder and left me, going down the other way of the hall. Did he have to touch me... Rhea was so angry...

I smacked my lips together in nervousness as I slowly walked towards her. But she walked away herself.

I couldn't see where she went, when I got to where she was, I ran into a very jumpy and hall of stress Dominik. "Woah, are you alright?" I asked. It was now I noticed he had this huge red mark on his jaw.

He laughed annoyingly. "Am I alright? No I'm not alright."

I was really concerned for him. "Hey, Dom, relax. What's wrong?"

He brushed hair from his face. "It's so fucked up, Flo. I can't- I can't even say it."

"Repeat what?" I wasn't following. "What's going on?"

Dom huffed and really tried his hardest as he spoke. "I overheard Liam on a phone, probably with one of his stupid friends. He was talking about all these women he gets to touch at his job. He was talking about you, Becky, even mentioned Rhea."

Shocked, I let him continue.

"I couldn't just stand there and let him say this shit to anyone. Flo, he was talking about how he's going to start bribing some wrestlers to injure someone, so he can get some alone time and do shit with them. How fucked is that?" Dom was extremely annoyed.

That was... it was disgusting.

I knew he was gross. But this was too far. Too much.

Dom continued. "I couldn't just stand there... I punched him and screamed at him." Dom began pacing. "He got me back, obviously claiming it was all a joke. But there's no way. He's as sleazy cunt. Everyone knows that." Dom surprised me with the profanity, but I understood it.

"It's terrible, Dom." I replied. "We should tell someone about him."

"With what proof?" Dom joked, looking at me in a mean way. I just shrugged softly, unsure of what to do. "Sorry, Flo. I'm just- It's disgusting."

"I know, I know." I said. "Cone here." I pulled him into a much needed soft hug. He pretty much collapsed into me, nearly making my knees fall. "Calm down, we'll sort him out somehow." I told him.

Dom nodded on my shoulder, hugging me back tightly. Maybe too tightly.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket.

Pushing Dom away and telling him to take a break, and we'll sort something out on Monday, he eventually calmed down and left to go back to the hotel.

I got my phone out and Rhea sent me a message.

Rhea Ripperz 💗: Get your ass away from Dom and to my dressing room. Now.

Oh, god...

How did she even know.

She definitely isn't happy at all.

Slowly and unfortunately walking to where I knew her dressing room was, I hesitated to knock on the door.

Wrestlers and workers were still slowly packing up for the night. Some don't leave until midnight, so that's exactly what time I might not make it to alive.

I eventually knocked, standing and waiting nervously for her to open it.

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