Part 152 - Cut Your Eyes Out

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I loved Rhea so much.

I could see she was doing everything in her absolute power to try and help me. She succeeded a few times, getting me to react and come out of this depressive state I was in. But it always ended with me staring at the wall again, the thought of Ryan in my head. His body...

Then there was Isaac in my head too. With me behind the wheel of a Mack truck, running over his body 10 time-

"Flo, baby." Rheas soft voice came through to me. Across the hotel room, she was carrying in a tray of food and some drinks. "You need to eat, ok?" She said softly and put the tray in front of me.

I swallowed and looked away, because the thought of eating still made me feel sick.

Rhea sat in front of me, and picked up a piece of toast. "Here... I'll have a bite, but then you have two bites." She bit the corner of the toast and held it out to me to bite.

I looked her in the eyes and softly shook my head.

Rhea gave me a sad and annoyed look. "Angel... You've barely eaten. You need to eat for tonight." She said and offered it again. I looked at it with disgust but took a tiny bit, chewing it too many times. "Now, swallow it." Rhea whispered, and I did. "Good girl." That last comment made my eyes dart to her. "Hey, baby." Rhea smirked. "I like that that gets your attention back onto me."

I smiled a little and looked down. "I'm not hungry." I told her.

"I know you don't feel hungry. But I can assure you your body is starving, Flo. It's in survival mode because you're starving, Angel. Please... eat some more. For me?" She offered some more. "I'm right here." She assured me.

I took it from her hands and bit into it again.

"Florence." Rhea saying my full name also got my attention. "Hey..." she whispered with a smile. "Tell me what else Isaac told you in there. Did he talk about me?"

I thought back, then nodded. "How he hit you." I got out, my cheeks stinging. "How if- How if you care about me as much as I do-"

"Flo..." Rhea whispered, hearing enough. "Don't listen to him. Listen to me, ok?" I nodded. "I care about you more than I care about..." Rhea shrugged. "Literally anything in the whole world. More than myself, you know that. Let me be here for you right now." Rhea begged. "Stop shutting me out. Start looking after your body again, baby... because it kills me to see you like this." Her voice broke and her eyes fell with tears. Why was she crying so much... I wiped her cheek, and she grabbed my hand, holding it. "How am I meant to be happy with you going out there by that ring tonight, knowing you're starving. That you're sick. That you want to throw up because you haven't ate a thing."

"You would be worried anyway." I whisper.

Rheas smile grew a little. "I worry about you all the time, yes. But I wouldn't be as worried if I knew you wouldn't pass out from starvation, Flo. Please, keep eating." She urged me to eat more.

And I did. How could I not after she just let out her heart for me.

She watched me eat a whole piece of toast, then handing me the next one. Her smile grew and her face brightened each bite and swallow I had. "He's going to be there, tonight." I say gently, voice a little shaky. I flick my head to the sides. "I don't wanna see him, Rhea. I really don't want to even-"

"I know." Rhea grabbed my cheek gently. "We will stay together the whole night. When you go out to the ring, I'll be waiting for you to finish. Then we can leave straight away, ok?"

I nod. "Ok..."

A bit later, we had just gotten to Smackdown. I sat down on the seat, and began getting ready. Rhea sat next to me, elbow on the counter and watching me put primer on my face. She looked in awe at me. She looked obsessed with me. That's how she's been looking at me the past few days. She didn't want me out of her sight. "I'm ok." I assure her.

And Still | Rhea Ripley | Possessive and Smutty Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα