Part 123 - Ringless Hand

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We walked inside this bar...

Well, it was more of a nightclub. Fairly busy, with dark lights and loud music.

Damien guided us through, knowing his way to the bar.

Rhea kept one of my hands in hers the whole way through, pulling me closer to her past people and guiding me around drunk people.

At the bar, Damien ordered a round of drinks.

"Should you be drinking right now?" Rhea asked me, loudly by my ear, pushing me to sit on a free stool and coming to stand between my legs.

I nodded.

And Rhea rolled her eyes.

"You have one." I shouted to her.

Rhea shook her head.

"Please? You can have a few and still be fine. We're walking back to Damien's, not driving." I insisted. I'd never seen her drunk or even tipsy, I wanted to. Rhea shook her head. "Please." I begged.

Rhea rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Damien passed drinks to us and I took a sip.

Then Dom and JD came over, surprising us completely.

"Dom!" I shouted and got up out of my seat, to give him a hug. "My drinking Buddy."

Dom hardly hugged me back, I assume Rhea was glaring at him. "Right. Next round on me!" He said and smiled down at me.

"I'm trying to get Rhea drunk." I whispered to Dom.

He chuckled at me. "Agreed. I'll help." He said.

Rhea pulled me back onto the stool and held my hands as she put her arms around my waist.

I played with her finger and that new ring she had on there. "I really like it." I told her.

"I really like you." Rhea replied softly in my ear. "But you should really shut your legs before JD needs his eyes pulled from their sockets." Rheas hands come to my knees and she pushed them closed.

I looked to JD who's eyes went to Dom, joining in their conversation. I laughed to myself.

A while later and a few drinks in, I asked Rhea to dance because an upbeat Harry Styles song came on. She declined me... of course. "I'm gonna ask Damien then." I told her.

Rhea didn't say anything and just watched as I went to Damien. "Wanna dance? Rhea won't dance..." I said sadly.

Damien chuckled. "Is she going to break my arm?" He glanced to her on the seat, she was just glaring at him.

"Never." I told him.

"Dance?" Dom interrupted with a drink in his hand. "I'm in."

"Me too." JD piped in.

"Let's do it." Damien said and looked to Rhea. "She'll be safe, Rhea. We're all with her." Damien assured Rhea who just raised her eyebrow at me.

I followed the boys towards the dance floor. Immediately breaking into a jig with Dom, who had the same energy as me. Singing along and playfully dancing.

Some time passed of us dancing, and I looked to where Rhea was still sitting and watching us by the bar. She had a few empty glasses behind her on the bar, which told me she'd been having a few drinks. She even had blushed cheeks and was blinking heavily.

I reckon I could get her on the dance floor soon.

I found Damien and he spun me, then started singing to this Doja Cat song along with me. I loved this guy.

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