Chapter 35

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' Let's play. '

'Bring him for dinner tonight, dress him up. Let's him the perfect night before his end.'

That laughter, I hate that laugh. I don't know how long I have been in this dark, being lost in time and day.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and a shadow appeared and grabbed my hair, making me look at this person.

"Let's get you dress up, eh?"


This place smells bad, like old wood and moss. It looks like an old place, abandoned almost but somehow they worked it up.

The candle on the table was flickering as I sat there, a group of people staring at me, licking their lips from time to time.

Soon their head turns and the rough's leader walks in, an omega next to him, she looks pretty beaten up as well.

"Well, well! You look pretty after dolling up!"

He says as he sits across from me, I don't know what is his deal now, if he wants to kill me, he can do it quickly. I just wish Jeongguk is okay and he hasn't done any harm to him Min.

"Say something, doll. I'll listen since it's your last time talking."

"Is my brother okay?"

I stare at him, more like glaring at him. He smirks, grabbing the omega who yipes by the force and was sat down on his lap. Disgusting.

"I heard that he was rescued."

I exhaled in relief, now I won't have any regret, but a certain face flashed in front of my eyes, a gummy smile with a kind face.

"And Do Hanshik is dead."

My head lifted, did I hear it correctly? Do dead?"


"Your boyfriend killed him."

Boyfriend? Who is he...wait! Min! He reached Hanshik's a matter of time for him to figure out where I am.

"I assume he's on his way here to save you, princess."

His smirk grows, and my heart is pumping, something feels wrong. Does he have a plan to capture Min? Or worse...

"He will be here soon, till then we can do something interesting, eh?"


"This is the place..."

Hwan says, looking at the old worn-out cabin in front of them.

"Let's go-"

"What do you mean by 'let's go'?! We can't risk our lives!"

Yoongi glared at Hwan who gulped. He quietly follows Yoongi as he leads him inside, ignoring the glaring that is coming from everywhere.

Yoongi stops abruptly and sniffs the air, he turns back, and Hwan nods.

"He is here...I can smell him."

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