Chapter 17

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' Seokjin-hyung.. '

"It's nice to see you too, Yoongi. After inviting you for ages."

Kim Seokjin, a male omega, mate to the leader of the East, looks harmless but can break your neck in a second. I have been running away from him and his clan because....he is scary.

"It's nice to meet you too,hyung."

I tried to smile but his face says all. He wasn't pleased to see me here after rejecting and refusing to visit East for the lunar new year.

"Indeed. Have you counted how many letters and people I sent to your clan for an invitation?"

He checks his nails while asking that question, I gulped. An alpha is afraid of an omega who can be harmless but his aura is ... dangerous.


"What is this scent?"

He cut in and leaned closer to me, he sniffed around me for a while before scrunching his eyes.

"I smell an omega's scent on you, faint but it is there."

I gulped again.


"Are you...messing with an innocent omega?!"

I don't know, I feel like I'm guilty without committing a crime.

"No! How can I-"

"Then why am I smelling another omega's scent on you? What have you done to that poor omega? Gosh! You mateless alphas are the worst kind in the"

"Honey, calm down. You will ruin your temper again."

I recognized that voice and looked up, there he was standing tall upon me.

"Hello, Yoongi-hyung. It's nice to see you."

Kim Namjoon, the leader of the East and a very good old friend of mine. He has been helping me a lot after being presented as the leader.

"Hey, old man! Long time no seeing! I haven't seen you much! Why don't you visit like you used to do in our earlier time?!"

Hwan chipped, swaying Namjoon with him as he wrapped his arm around Namjoon. And someone was jealous which I can feel from my side.

"Uh, I was young and free. Now, I have responsibilities and a mate to take care of so..."

Hwan laughed loudly.

"Do ya remember about Amber? That sweet beta at the Roses? (A bar name, made up) Damn, that beta can serve well!"

"That one! Oh, I do remember! That one was...."

Namjoon trailed off when he felt the sharp glare on him. He gulped, and so did I as well. The aura of this particular omega is not giving off a good vibe at all.

"Well, I do agree that all alpha's turns the man when they get the prize."

Can't Hwan shut up already? Can't he see that we are in a danger zone here?

"Ahem. Darling, can we talk?"

Seokjin-hyung calls sweetly which sends shivers down Namjoon's whole body as he gulped.

"S-Sure, honey."

They walked off and now the air feels light around me, Hwan shot the air out of me with a smack on the back before I could yell at him, and the guards announced the new leader's arrival.

"I heard his young, very young to be a leader. So, that's why we are here. To be his guardians."

Hwan spoke, he is serious now since his tone changed.

✓ Clans • [ Yoonmin ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora