Chapter 1

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South territory

"The storm seems to be coming near us, alpha."

"Check the boarders again, make sure everyone is safe and sound, and make sure they are safe enough so that the storm won't affect them much."

"Yes, alpha."


"We have checked all the areas, let's head ba-"


"What's wrong?"

"There's...there's the boarder..."


"Cover him up with my cape and quickly transfer him into the palace."

"Call the doctor and healers if necessary."

"Yes, alpha."


"This person is an omega, we have cleared that up. But he has been in a bad situation. He needs the healer since there are injuries on his hands."

"Did you find any information on his identification?"

"I'm afraid not, but let some omegas are taking care of him. I will visit and check him."

"There are injuries on his knuckles, few small injuries on his face. He might be a fighter."

"But where did he come from? That is a big issue."

"We are working on it, we have sent news to all clans about a missing omega."

"Good, I shall rest the matter to you then."

"You may rest, alpha."


"Is he waking up?"

"He is in pain.."

"Should I call the alpha?"

"Fetch the leader first!"


"He is awake, alpha."

"Can we talk to him?"

"Yes, he is stable to talk."

"Very well, we shall go gentle with him."

"Yes, alpha."


"Omega, how are you feeling?"

"Do not fear us. We won't hurt you. You are safe here."

"Do you know where are you from? What is your name and everything?"

"If you don't want to answer now then, it's alright. Just take your time and stay here until you feel okay."

"I'm the alpha of this clan, you are in the South. So, don't be afraid of us."

"I guess he needs time to recover from the shock. We will leave him for now, let's try tomorrow."

' North... '

' I am from North ... '


Well I have decided I'll update this book every Wednesday from now on.

Tell me how it is in your liking.

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