Chapter 16

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' Gosh, what are you doing to me?! '

Knock knock knock

Three knocks and I jolted up from my nap, my world is spinning and my eyes landed on a figure on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

A smile creeps on my face until I heard another knock.

I swear whoever it is I'll make sure he/she suffers in hell for ruining my moment.

I groaned and got up, dragged my legs to open the door to peek out to see the old guy, standing outside. Fear rose in my body when I realized that Jimin is sleeping in the bed and I can't let this guy see him.

"My apologies, alpha Min. But I have to disturb you since it is dinner time and you have been summoned to the dining hall. The others are waiting for you, my lord."

He says with such politely, I nod, making sure my body covers his vision.

"Yes, I will be there. Thank you."

He bowed but his eyes tried to look past me but failed when I coughed, indicating his leave. He gave me a small smile before leaving, a sigh leaves my mouth and as I turned back, Jimin was up, holding the blanket against his chest, protectively.

"Did I wake you up?"

I asked, trying to avoid that I almost exposed him to the one who is wanting to kill him.

"No, I had a dream...well, more like a nightmare."

I walked up to him, sitting on the bed, staring at him as worry clouds my face.

"What happened?"

Jimin looked directly at me, his eyes were saying something, his beautiful blue eyes with a hint of green in them.

"I - uh -"

His words were cut off when someone burst through my door and huffed. I rolled my eyes and look at Hoseok who was panting like crazy.

" many times have I told you to not!"

"My apologies, alpha-"

He stopped when he saw Jimin on the bed, covered in the blanket.

"Um...I should've knocked. My apologies."

I shook my head and make him relax. But Hoseok shot me a confused look.


"Did you share the bed with an omega or..."

I pointed at the floor and Hoseok almost brust to laugh.

"My apologies! But an alpha! Over that a leader sleeping on the floor! Gosh! This is hilarious!"

I shake my head, I'm so done with him. But then I turned to him with a serious face.

"What happened though? Why were you running?"

"Oh! I heard that you have been summoned to the dining hall like the other leaders."

"Yes, it's just dinner."

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