Chapter 32

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' I won't let Do Hanshik harm anyone. I'll take care of this. I will protect him. '

I am pretty sure that Do Hanshik will go after Yoongi now since he saw him with me. And he knows that I have a soft spot for him, so I can't let him take this chance.

My hand was itching to call Yoongi and tell him about this but I kept ignoring it. I can't make him nervous now.

"Call Jeongguk please."

The beta bowed before running off, I need to think of something fast before anything goes wrong.

"Hyung, did you call?"

I looked up as my brother walked in, I nodded and handed him a letter that I had written a while ago.

"Take this and head out to patrol with the general, he will protect you from anything, and give this to him."

I showed the sealed letter which Jeongguk acknowledged and gave a nod.

"As you say so, but what about you? Will you be okay here?"

I smiled at him, he still worrying about me. I walked up to him and gently caressed his cheek.

"Do not worry about me. Just do as I say and hurry back."

Jeongguk gives a small nod with a smile before bowing to me and leaving fast.

I walked back to my desk and sat there, eyes moving constantly from my hands to the phone that was lying on the table. A sigh leaves my mouth as I close my eyes.

No, I can't risk him into it again...I have already pulled his leg a lot of times.


I was waiting at the dining hall as Hoseok planned, he was beside me, waiting for our guest to arrive who was taking her time.

"How long does she need?"

I asked impatiently, Hoseok rolled his eyes at me.

"She's your guest, deal with it."

A sigh leaves my mouth, the door opens and a lady walks in, her hair is beautifully decorated with different ornaments, and wearing a peach color gown.

"My apologies, alpha. I took time to get dressed."

I glance at Hoseok who waved me off, such a good friend of mine. The lady walked closer and sat right next to me, facing Hoseok. Her eyes were sparkling and it wasn't a good sign.

"Well, ugh..lady.."

"Please you don't have to address me like that, alpha. You can call me by my name."

Hoseok cleared his voice, and I gulped and inhaled.

"Well, I'm sorry lady Jo, but there seems a little misunderstanding in this situation."

The lady's smile dropped and she looked worried.

"W-what..what kind of misunderstanding, alpha. I don't understand."

I cleared my voice before speaking again.

"You see, I may have sent you the wrong letter instead of a rejection letter."

The lady covers her mouth with her hands.


"Yes, I'm sorry. But it seems like I have been not interested in you and I am already seeing someone."

The lady broke into tears, and Hoseok held his head, I was too confused for this type of stuff.

"T-Then...then why did you let me stay..."

"I uh..."

Hoseok clears his throat and gestures for me to stop.

"Lady Jo, it would be rude of Alpha if he turned you off without a proper meal, and since it was late it would be a bad move to send a lady off alone at night."

The lady's eyes sparkled again at Hoseok's words, she was looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Is that true?"

Hoseok nods with a smile. The lady blushed, still staring at Hoseok who was being a charm.

"Um...why don't we eat now? It's very late."

I had to cut in because it was getting awkward.

During the whole dinner, the lady kept glancing at Hoseok who was talking to me and sometimes answering to the lady. Now, I can see some heart in her eyes whenever Hoseok looks at her.

"I like to return to my room now since I had tired some day. Lady Jo, my trusted friend will escort you to your room."

I slightly bowed to her which she accepted but turned to Hoseok immediately.

"Shall we go?"

Hoseok glanced at me before turning to the lady with a smile on his face.

After returning to my room, I was relieved that I fixed one of the many mistakes. A sigh leaves my mouth but the phone made me jump off from my bed.

Rushing to receive the phone and upon receiving it, I heard a familiar voice.

' Good to know that you received the call in time.'

"Seokjin-hyung, what makes you call me at this hour?"

I heard a sigh on the other side.

'Have you heard anything from Jimin? Has he called you?'

"Jimin? No, why? What's wrong?"

Worry starts to consume me now, what could have happened?

'He told me to be alert and take precautions just in case anything happens. What is up with him? He sounded very...worried.'

"I don't know, I didn't hear from him for a while now. Now, that you mention is quite..odd of him."

'I'm getting worried now, ever since that day I'm worried about him. Those roughs won't go back that easily.'

"I know, but do take care of your clan and inform Namjoon as well. Take precautions, these roughs can attack any one of us."

While talking to Seokjin-hyung I heard some loud voices coming down from the hallroom. I was about to end the call but someone brust into the room and it took me by surprise.


"Hwan? What are you-"

"Jeongguk is missing!"


That's all for today!

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