Chapter 9

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' I have some news from North which isn't pleasant. '

Hoseok quickly escorted me to my room and he started to tell me what he have to say.

"The court of the North has assigned a new leader since they declared the former leader has died."

"What nonsense! He isn't-"

"Only we know that he is safe and sound, but they declared that he died...I can't believe that a whole clan will believe in those words without a doubt."

I sigh, I just can't accept what Hoseok said. It's absurd, how can they accept that their leader is dead?

"I have to speak with the omega."

Hoseok stops me, he holds my arm and shakes his head.

"We can't make him worry, we have to know why he fled and what happened."

I forgot all about it, I don't know anything about this mysterious person.

"Your right, we have to wait. But who did they choose for the new leader?"

Hoseok sighs.

"A very young alpha, we don't have some info on him because he wasn't introduced before until now. They said he is a young alpha from the court of the former leader which is not clear and just a rumor."

"So, they are breaking the royal line? They are removing the last heir from their place to put someone who's not related?

"Most probably. But as far as I heard they are doing this for the peace of North and bring equality which sounds absurd since only royals can rule."

I hummed.

"We will find our answer soon, be patient."

Hoseok nod. I went back to grab some clothes to join breakfast until Hoseok questions again.

"I am curious."

"About what?"

"Why are you trying to be close with that omega? Do you fancy him?"

I coughed.


"You have been eying him a lot. You weren't like that before, no omega interested you before."

"He is a male omega, of course, he will grow my curiosity. I'm just a curious pup."

"Pup? You are not a pup, I know and saw those lustful eyes of yours."

I gulped, am I that obvious?


"It's alright, you are grown up enough. Fancy any omega if it's a male or female. Just be gentle, that's all."

I nod, never knew he would advise me like that.

"I'm sure this omega who you are trying to fancy,won't be a easy one. He has ruled a clan and he won't be weak to an alpha that easily."

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