I Mean... The Match Was Alright

Start from the beginning

"Thanks," Jasper grinned.

Jack's eyes landed on Oliver and he said, "And you - you're the one I've come over here to see."

"Me?" Oliver looked confused.

"Yeah, you. Damn boy, I was watchin' that pick-up game a bit ago - came over as soon as I could get away from what I was doin' - and I've got to tell ya, you've got skills. Really good natural talent. Have you ever considered getting yourself a trainer?"

"I've got one," Oliver said, and he grinned at James.

Jack looked at James and laughed, "I might'a known if I'd thought on it."

"I was actually going to try at reaching out to you this Autumn," James said, "About Oliver. Wanted to see if you'd be interested in coming 'round to Hogwarts sometime and seeing him play in a match."

"No kiddin' - so you're thinkin' on goin' pro, are ya, kid?" Jack asked, nodding. "From what I seen earlier, I'd say that's a good call." He nodded. "Are you always a Seeker?"

"Sure am, but I can play Chaser if I'm needed," Oliver said.

"He's very good at both. Been working on getting him some experience with Keeping also, but Seeker's where he's best put," James said. "He can feint like you wouldn't believe, Scout. He's got a gift, I swear. It's like a sixth sense."

Jack grinned, "Very good. I'll certainly be thinkin' about you when it's time to go 'round the schools in the Spring, then." He paused and reached in the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small stack of cards. He handed one to James and one to Jasper. "Keep in touch - let me know how training goes." Jack looked at Oliver and he said, "Work hard, kid, you never know what might come of it."

"Thanks Mr. Scout," Oliver said.

"You lot come 'round the pitch in the mornin' 'round half nine... I might be able to get'ch'y'all into the practice if you're interested in watchin'. Maybe get you some ideas for your trainin' sessions. England's got some great tactics you might be able to learn a bit from. Maybe I'll even get'cha to meet the players if there's time."

James grinned, "Brilliant!"

Jack Scout nodded to Sirius, James, and Oliver, then turned to Jasper. "Say hullo to the Missus for me, Odair."

"Will do," Jasper said.

When Jack had left, Oliver exploded with excitement. "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" he cried out, leaping to his feet and jumping onto James, ecstatic. "DID YOU HEAR THAT? HE BLOODY'S GONNA COME SEE MY PLAY IN THE SPRING!"

"I heard it!" James said, grinning as Oliver jumped up and down.

"BLOODY HELL!" Oliver cried, practically shaking with excitement. Oliver felt like he'd been having the best week ever and he suddenly wished so much that Wally was there with him. He knew Wally would be so happy to hear the news that Jack Scout had come by the camp site, and also that Wally would understand everything that he was feeling about the things that Jasper had told him. He also wished Dexter was there because how cool would Dexter have thought it that Jasper could speak sign language? Ollie could almost hear Dexter's "whoa" even clear across the distance that separated them... but it was really Wally that Oliver couldn't get out of his mind.

Oliver could barely sleep that night, he was so excited. He lay on his back in bed in the tent that he and Jasper were sharing. Jasper was across the room, curled and back-to Oliver, snoring quietly, the sound of that keeping him awake as well. But when he did finally drift off, it was to a dream of Wally.

Meanwhile, in their tent, James was asleep when he was awakened by the feeling of Sirius climbing in beside him. "Hullo Prongs," Sirius said as he snuggled into James's side. 

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now