teen pregnancy pt. 5

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"hey. i wanted to say thank you for meeting me here." he said sitting down at the cafe chair.

"i also needed answers."

"well, i needed to think. i was wrong. i should've told you this stuff earlier, and im wrong because i now am going to have a daughter, and i wouldnt want a guy to leave her clueless." he said.

"when did you guys get back together?" she asked.

"recently. for a while i was just helping her remodel her house but it just all came back."

"vinnie you dont love her." said ana.

he was pretty taken aback. "excuse me?"

"you just want your kid to grow up in a stable house. this is the same woman who wanted to give her kid up for adoption. what tells you that she wont back out last minute?"

"ana, i came here, with my girlfriend 38 weeks pregnant, to talk to you. not for you to insult me." he said. "i love becca. i always have. since she walked in anywhere, becca is the love of my life. she fucked up, she knows it, she apologized, shes stepping up. i came here to give you answers."

"did you ever really like me?"

"i liked your personality. ana, i need to be honest, youre a good woman. but you're not becca. you're fun and youre sarcastic, you're understanding, your cockiness gets in the way of you, you can be insecure. and you have no reason to be. youre a good girl. but im not for you. im a dad, im her husband. im their family. if i have the chance to get back with becca who is the love of my life and enforce our family—ill take it."

"why were you so cautious during sex with me?"

"because youre not becca. id never had sex with anyone who wasnt becca."

"do you regret it?"


"well..i dont know what else to say."

"thank you for being kind and relatively understanding."

"have you found out what youre naming the baby?"


"oh thats cute. well thanks for everything." she nodded and he did too. "happy birthday by the way."

"thanks." he smiled.

he went walking back to his car. becca obviously knew he was here and respected it. he agreed he would go eat with his family at their house and becca would meet him there. she was at her point in pregnancy where she was so ready to not be pregnant anymore but she was energetic still.

"whats up champ." said his dad giving him a hug. "happy birthday."

"thank you. hi baby." he said going to his girlfriend and kissing her. "hows she doing?"

"shes okay." she said. vinnie knew something was up.

"whats wrong?"

"my contractions are 6 minutes apart." she breathed out.

"rebecca!" he said. "lets go to the hospital now! 7 is already a run."

𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now