𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞

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tw : talks about being roofied, rape, abortion

y/n's pov :

i stumbled around the house. i wasn't drunk...yet. i was definitely tipsy. i was looking for my boyfriend bur finding vinnie in this party would be close to impossible. 

i had a cup in my hand as i went through a hallway. i stood there and pulled out my phone. vinnie had already texted me 7 minutes ago.

vinnie <3 : babe where r u?
y/n : in the 3drdd floor hallwayt
vinnie <3 : are u drunk?
y/n : not yett

"hello queen!" said josh. i hadn't seem josh in ages. he was always kind to me but honestly there was something about him i always found problematic.

"hey." i said. he was so much taller than me it was crazy. i mean its not like it took a lot to be taller than me. 5'8 made me feel tiny.

"did you come alone?" he asked. i took a sip of my drinking hoping vinnie would show up soon, something about this guy gave me the creeps.

"nope! im waiting for vinnie hes downstairs. he was playing beer pong." i said. i mean they say you have to treat crazy people nicely so that they dont go crazier on you.

vinnies pov :

i sounded like a broken record with how many times i said "excuse me" while climbing the three flights of stairs and now coming into the hallway.

"vinnie!" said jordan grabbing my arm.

"whats up?" i said happy to see him even though we hung out earlier today. it was such a big party i didn't know who to expect the see.

we started having a convo that i could finally hear since the music on the 3rd floor wasnt loud at all, and i could hear y/n's voice.

"please josh no."

"sorry bro ill be right back." i said to jordan as i pushed through a couple people.

i felt my blood burn, i swear i considered risking it all and going to jail tonight with what i saw. i know y/n didn't notice but i knew she was uncomfortable with the way he kept touching her waist.

i saw him grab her arm and whisper something into her ear and without getting her to notice popped a pill in her drink.

it took my all to not just step on his neck so i naturally pushed him away.

"vinnie!" said y/n seeming shocked at my behavior.

im not an aggressive person but i would fight for who i love. id talk to her a minute, but for now i had to make sure she didn't take a sip of that drink. i grabbed her drink from her hand and threw it on josh. "you really think you can pull some shit like that?"

"vinnie what are you doing?" y/n was still shocked. i knew she was relieved i was there to keep her safe.

"this mother fucker just put a pill in your drink." i said and she looked both shocked and hurt. she was such a strong and independent woman, it hurt her to be looked down on. "don't you ever fucking try with her or with any girl, you should be disgusted with yourself."

i grabbed y/n's hand and we headed towards the exit. we went to my car. once we were both in an had our seatbelts on i took no time to connect my phone or put music i just started driving.

i was furious, not at her, just at the situation. i looked over to her and she looked miserable.

"none of that was your fault." i said while looking at the road.

"i know." she said faintly.

"whats wrong? do you feel well?"

"yeah im fine." she said. i realized she wasnt feeling bad physically but emotionally. she was a strong woman but i knew her story.

she had been roofied before before she met me and it led her through a lot. a whole court case.

the full story was painful but a guy back in her senior year of high school roofied her at a party and ended up getting her pregnant. she always told me that the pain of being taken advantage of, being raped,  being stuck on pregnancy whether she should keep the kid or have an abortion. she ended up choosing to get an abortion which to this day she cried about it because part of her felt bad, even though she was completely pro-choice, she shouldn't have had to make a choice; she shouldn't have had to go through any of it.

when i met her she was always with her guard up, when i got her to trust me i realized it was hard for her to trust lots of people. she was safe with me.

once we arrived to the "hype" house where we lived she got down from the car.

"do you want anything?" i asked rubbing her back as i locked the car.

"n-no i think ill shower and then get to bed." her voice was broken. i knew she wasn't about to cry but she was just have some post traumatic stress.

i opened the door to the house and gave her a kiss on the forehead before she could fo upstairs. "ill be up in a minute bub."

she nodded and started going up the stairs.

kouvr, mia, and thomas were in the kitchen. they were eating cereal and talking.

"how was the party?" asked kouvr.

"good until josh tried to roofie y/n." i said grabbing two bottled waters.

"you're fucking kidding." said thomas upset. "thats fucking-"

"i know. i threw the drink on him and pushed him to the ground. god knows i would've and wanted to pop his skull open." i said opening once of the bottle.

"is she ok?"

"im about to go check up on her." i said.

"let us know if she needs some girl time." said kouvr.

i went up the stairs and went into me and y/n's room.

she hadnt even turned the shower on she was just looking at herself in bra and underwear in the mirror.

as much as i loved seeing her this way; shes a goddess, a sex symbol, she was the hottest girl id ever know and im sure many would agree with me. but i could feel how much she was feeling right now.

"baby." i said as i stood at the edge of the bathroom door.

"i can't go through that again...i can't. its so hard to stay confident when i feel so little trust. i can't go through it again." she said and a tear ran down her face. 

i came up behind her and wiped her tear and kissed her cheek.

"it's never gonna happen again. i won't let it happen to you. you are beautiful, you're perfect to me. you're strong. baby look at yourself. inside and out you're what any person kills to be.you're strong, i admire you. im here for you. you're safe with me."

𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now