baby fever

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this is technically a part 3 to argument pt. 2 :) this is really messy not that great but enjoy

"can you believe its almost been a year?" she said as they walked through the furniture store. they were extremely happy in their marriage, never fighting, maybe slight arguments but nothing crazy. "and a new house." she gripped his hand.

"look at us. adulting." he said looking. "50 dollars for a pillow? shit better make me sleep longer." he said picking up a pillow.

"you act like we cant afford it."

"do you want it?" he said.

"no vinnie thats the ugliest pillow ive ever seen." she laughed.

"what are we here for again?" he asked already starting to get bored.

"bedding. the house is like almost exactly how i want it but we need more bed sheets." she said walking to the bed section.

"whats wrong with the ones we have now?" he asked following her. 

"theyre not cream. i want cream sheets."

"theres such thing as cream sheets?" he looked confused.

"ivory. better?" she laughed. next to the best section were cribs and rocking chairs and that seemed to get vinnies attention.

"baby look." he said looking at one crib. "this ones so cute."

"yea. its cute." she laughed.

"can you imagine waking up and walking up to this? its adorable babe." he said smiling down imagining it.

"its really cute. do you like these?" she said showing his some sheets but she knew he wouldn't care. "ok these are it."

after they bought the sheets she decided she wanted to go on a quick target run to buy candles for the home.

"vinnie? smell this one." she said and noticed him distracted by a toddler in the same aisle.

"hey buddy." he laughed as the toddler got closer. "i like your shoes." he laughed seeing they had the same pair of white converse.

the kid giggled and vinnie fist bumped him as he walked back to his parents.


"dont even say it." she laughed knowing what he was gonna say.

"why not?" he complained. "please."

"were so young." she said.

"ive been wanting to have one. please please." he said.

"i dont know babe. its time consuming. plus bring pregnant seems like a lot of work."

"we'll get a surrogate."

"your sperm is NOT going into another woman." she scoffed.


"y/n i hate to break this to you but i think your husband has baby fever." laughed jack as they sat there looking at vinnie playing with one of their friend's baby.

"oh he so does." laughed y/n looking at him. "he's crazy for one. i haven't told him yet but i think i'm gonna start the whole getting off birth control process. if it happens, it happens."

"holy shit. hed die of happiness. look at him."

he laughed kissing the babys forehead and carrying her over to y/n. "look at this cutie."

"hi princess." smiled y/n and held the baby. "you're so cute."

"nah look at vinnie." said jett to jack. "he wants a kid so bad."

"he really does."


he laid on the couch on his phone, waiting for her to be ready so they could go out to lunch.

"vin i have a surprise." she said coming into the living room.

"youre pregnant? please say you're pregnant." he said grabbing her to sit on the couch with him.

"no!" she laughed. "im off birth control."

she hadn't seem him smile like this in a long while.  "so were gonna try?"

"we could. if it happens it happens."  she laughed.

"lets go." he said grabbing her hand.

"you wanna try right now?" she said laughing and he picked her up.

"yes." he said. "im always horny y/n, and i want this really badly."

"i can tell."

*4 months later*

"good morning." he yawned and saw she looked upset. "whats wrong my love?"

"i dont feel well." she said. "i havent slept good."

"aww. anything i can do? what do you feel?"

"dizzy, tired, so tired." she said laying in bed.

"im gonna go get you some medicine and stuff. we can spend the day in." he said, he got up and got ready and went to the store. he got her some advil, some other nausea medication. it clicked in him that he should get her a pregnancy test. he quickly checked out and went back home.

he was looking for her to see her sitting on the floor next to the toilet.

"fuck." he said sitting next to her. "are you okay?"

"no i feel like shit." she said tying her hair.

"i got you a pregnancy test. just in case."

"ill take it. privacy please." she said and he laughed. she took the test quickly and went back to the floor. he came back into the bathroom and rubbed her head. he held her hair while she threw up, after all it was in sickness and in health. "can you check?"

"yea." he said flipping the test over.

"what is it?" she asked. "babe why are your eyes watered?"

"positive." he smiled.

"well that explains this."

"youre not happy?"

"im livid i just dont feel well." she laughed. "im so happy for us."

"finally. im here every step of the way. even right now." he grinned.

"good because im gonna need you to hold my hair again."

𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now