24. Seeker

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Lucius eyes wandered the air as Aria jumped on the bleachers and on Severus lap ignoring the flying boys and girls zooming past them. 

Severus kept a tight hold on Aria's hands so she didnt go flying away, lilith was mindlessly stroking a hand through Harry's hair. 

Draco jumped up cheering as Slytherin scored a point. He sat back down looking to Harry. 

"What position do you want to play when we get into Hogwarts?" Draco questioned. 

"I dont know." Harry admitted. "I havent really ridden a broom before, what if I'm no good at it."

"We will go flying." Lilith cut in. "A family flight, it will be wonderful." Harry nodded eagerly. 

"I think I want to be the Seeker." Draco remarked. "They catch it and its game over, basically always an instant win." Lucius looked to a smug lilith. 

"Harry, your mother was one of the best seekers this school had ever seen." Lucius remarked. "She went head to head against, Stinky, beat him every time."

"Uncle Stinky probably didnt like that." Harry agreed. 

"He hated losing to me." Lilith agreed. 

"Mum got Slytherin to the championships." Severus added. "Every year she played."

"Why didnt you go pro?" Draco questioned. 

"I love the game but I found a better passion." Lilith countered. "Although not to brag," she popped up a shoulder. "I was approached by the Montrose Magpies."

"They are like one of the best teams ever!" Draco shouted. "Top ranked for competitions since they started. Why did you choose tunnels and old crap to being a pro?"

"Life is funny like that." Lilith agreed. "But I wouldnt change a thing." 

Harry watched as the snitch appeared and Ravenclaw made a chase for it. Slytherin hot on their broom tails. 

"I know that ball well." Lilith whispered. 

"You must have been really focused." Harry remarked. "It's so little." 

"I was focused on winning." Lilith agreed, smiling back at Severus as he entertained Aria. Winning so she could get back to Severus.

"So you were undefeated?" Draco questioned. 

"We lost once, my broom got split by a rogue bludger and I spiraled out of the sky." Lilith agreed calmly. "WOuld have won too."

"Clearly not bitter at all." Severus added. 

"Against Hufflepuffs of all houses." Lilith griped. 

"Were you hurt?" Harry questioned urgently. 

"She fell from the sky." Draco reminded him. 

"I was patched up, broken bones mended quick enough, severus actually did the spell to heal me." Lilith recalled. 

"You know healing spells?" Draco questioned. 

"Yes." Severus agreed. 

"Were you getting hurt a lot?" Draco asked. 

"Stop asking questions." Lucius countered. "Thats not nice to pry." 

"Sorry." Draco murmured looking back up at the clouds. Severus and Lilith shared a knowing look. 

Aria finally dropped down in Severus lap little legs kicking at his shins as she looked up into the clouds. 

"I'm hungry." She decided. Lilith pulled out her bag. Might as well have been a magical bag with everything lilith put in it. "No, not an apple, not a banana, keep going until you pull out a cookie." Aria decided. 

"We will have supper after this, fruit or crackers?" Lilith corrected. Aria stared back at her, clearly annoyed. "Not hungry anymore?" Lilith pondered putting her bag away. 

"You didnt pack my cookies." Aria tsked. 

"I did."

"Show me." Aria challenged. Lilith pulled it out and Aria reached for it but lilith dropped it down in her bag again. 

"Game is almost done, look." Lilith pointed at the snitch flying through the air. Aria followed her finger. 

"Oh!" Lucius laughed out as the Slytherin seeker shoved the ravenclaw aside spinning their brooms around and reaching back grabbing the snitch. A sea of green jumped up. Lilith and Severus included. 

"We are going to be the best players on Slytherin one day, just like your mum." Draco decided. 

"What if we dont get into Slytherin?" Harry whispered as they clapped out. 

"Dont worry, we will."

"It's over." Aria declared. "Can I have my cookie!"

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