22. Lights

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Lilith yawned out a sentence that had the students straining their ears before she slapped a hand down on the table.

"Fuck it. I dont want to grade assignments. Have a good break and a merry Christmas!" Lilith declared the kids jumped up wishing her well and heading out while the opposite was happening in the potions lab.

"And i want a two page essay on your assigned ingredient. Telling me the benefits and the risks and some of the potions they belong to." Severus demanded.

"I say!" Aria declared. Severus took her hand and helped her up onto the chair. "Dissssssmissssssed-dah- dahhh!"  Aria demanded pointing a finger at the door.

"Thank you Aria." Severus agreed scooping her up. She tipped her head into him happily. "You heard her. What are you still doing here!"

"Ahh as charming as always sevy." Lilith declared moving through the students rushing to get out. "Im on vacation! Im on vacation!"

"The students will be leaving today and tomorrow and we get some alone time to sleep in and-"

" ser pounce a toy for kissmas!." Aria cut in.

"You need a new toy for ser pounce? I think he has a hundred toys. He wont notice. We will get him some treats and-"

"New toy! Just from me." Aria corrected. "The birdies get yummys."

"Okay then lets get a few more gifts." Severus agreed.

"I will take her. I have to pick something up in town." Lilith countered.

"What do you know me too." Severus agreed.

"What did you do?" Lilith mused.

"Me? What are you picking up?" Severus countered pulling her hips into him.

"Only the best gift ever."

"What did you get him?" Aria questioned

"Shh i cant tell you. Daddys right there." Lilith corrected.

"Whisper in my ear." Aria suggested bringing a hand to her ear. Lilith kissed her instead. "Oh daddy likes kisses." She agreed.

"I really do." Severus agreed. 

Aria wanted snow when they got to the town, so of course if your baby girl requests snow for christmas break, and you have a capability to give her snow, you give her snow. Aria and Harry ran around as the snowflakes fell. 

They danced around together, catching snowflakes on their tongues. 

Lilith held Severus hand as they followed slowly after their children. 

"Harry is going to be starting at Hogwarts before you know it." Severus whispered. 

"Dont remind me." Lilith grumbled. "Kids, you want some hot coco?"

"MARSHMELLOW!" Aria shouted running and grabbing Severus hand, she slipped as she grabbed his hand and he kept her from falling on her butt. "WOAH!" when she got her footing she stared up at Severus. 

"You alright?" 

"Thank you." Aria answered reaching up for him. Severus picked her up as Harry held tight to LIlith's hand. They walked around coco in hand and saw the lights come to life. 

"Mommy?" Harry questioned, she gave his hand a squeeze. "I love you." Lilith knelt down and hugged him tight. 

"Harry, I love you." Lilith declared kissing his cheek. 

Severus smiled over at them as Aria babbled on telling him a story right in his ear about the different lights and what she thought they were doing, how they were dancing around the shops. 

What a beautiful night, what a beautiful family, what a beautiful memory to hold onto. 

Lilith and Severus were awoken on Christmas morning to two children jumping on the bed. 

"Hi babies." Lilith cooed holding Aria hostage, Severus reached out locking Harry to him. 

"No no no!" Aria declared. "PRESENTS!"

"You didnt want to just snuggle?" Severus countered. 

"No, no, no, let me gooooo!" Aria demanded. "PRESENTS!" 

"But its soo early." Lilith agreed kissing her little face, Harry laughed and laughed as severus tickled him. 

"MAMA!" Aria demanded. "So many presents!" 

"Severus I think Aria wants her presents."

"Who says those presents are for her?" Severus mused. Aria stopped squirming.

"What?" Aria demanded. "HARRY!"  Harry laughed some more. "Harry stop!" Aria whined. "My presents?" She whimpered out. 

"Oh no, we are killing her." Lilith realized. "Okay lets go get your presents." Aria clung to lilith confused. 

"You lie?"

"I lied, I'm sorry." Lilith agreed kissing her cheek. "Yes baby girl we got you and harry lots of presents." 

"Okay.' Aria agreed, she stayed in liliths lap as she pulled a present to her. 

"But that one is for harry." Severus corrected. Aria shoved it aside grabbing another. "And that one is for mommy." Aria grumbled pointing at third gift. Severus nodded and Aria tore it open greedily. 

Can't Catch Me Now / Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now