29. Chocolate Mission

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"Last summer before-"


"Oh honey."

"Let me pretend that everything doesnt change after this year." Lilith begged. Remus chuckled. 

"Fine, fine, for you." He agreed. "And thanks for letting me tag along." Remus remarked. 

"You are always a welcomed distraction." Lilith assured. "And severus is busy today," She added quickly. 

"Do you need chocolate? Lets stop at the chocolate emporium." Remus suggested. 

"Oh! Fancy pants. Is Sugarplum's Sweet Shop not good enough for you?" Lilith questioned. 

"They dont have enough chocolate." Remus agreed. 

"I want some!" Aria shouted. 

"Not before you get some real food in you." Lilith corrected. "I swear mooney you're a bad example on my kids." Remus brought a hand to his suddenly wounded soul.

"I am a great example for your children. I don't know what you're talking about." Remus corrected, as he shoveled another piece of chocolate into his mouth. I think I need to pick up some more chocolate while we're in town. Let's make a stop. Come on, it seems like heaven in there."

" you run on chocolate mooney." Lilith decided. 

"Why does uncle Mooney eat so much chocolate?" ARia questioned. 

"You know, I never really thought about it. Maybe we ask him ." Lilith suggested. Remus smirked back at them. 

"I think I should be able to eat a lot of chocolate too." aria decided.

"You already eat a lot of chocolate" Lilith corrected. 

"Why do you eat so much chocolate uncle Mooney?" ARia questioned. 

"Well, my dear, I eat a lot of chocolate because it's poisonous to dogs." Remus answered.

"And you don't like dogs?"

"Not really no ." Remus agreed. "Ah, here we are..." Remus remarked scooping aria up. 

"When are you going to get settled down and have a kid of your own?" Lilith questioned as she shopped. "The kids love you, you are so good with them."  Remus shrugged. 

"Dont want to pass my chocolate obsession curse down to my children." Remus corrected. 

"For the right girl?" Lilith countered. "You might even open up a bit."

"Why are you still alone?" Aria agreed. "You are so old."

"Wow, you get your mothers attitude thats for sure." Remus agreed. "I'm... happy on my own. I like the solitude."

"Such a lonely prospect." Lilith countered. 

"Maybe one day." Remus offered with a shrug. "But I'm not looking for anything right now." 

"Mommy, can I have one of everything?" Aria questioned. 

"Is uncle Mooney paying for one of everything?" lilith mused. 

"Above my pay grade." Remus countered. "here, I love this, you take a bag-" he grabbed a baggie for Aria and harry. "And you fill it to the top with all sorts of candy. I will go to, ready? Set... go!" Lilith laughed as they raced through the store. 

"You need someone with the same childlike wonder as you do, Mooney." Lilith decided. 

"I need chocolate." Remus corrected. "Dont be a matchmaker Lils."

"Never, just thinking about..." Remus gave her a pointed look. "Am I supposed to be timing this chocolate race?" Lilith pondered. 

"My bag ripped!" Aria declared as chocolate scattered the floor. 

"You can my bag Aria," Harry assured. "I will clean this up." 

"You are so sweet harry," Lilith remarked stepping forward, Remus distracted the woman at the counter knowing what lilith was going to do and she waved a hand the candy went back into the bag and she got a new one for Aria. "How about I hold the bag and you fill it." Lilith winked back at Harry as Remus resumed his chocolate mission. 

"Thanks for today, it was fun." Lilith remarked hugging Remus goodbye. "Dont be a stranger, lets get together soon." 

"Alright." Remus agreed. "We will put something on the books." 

"Wonderful." Lilith agreed. "Kids, hug uncle Mooney goodbye."

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