8. You Liars

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They set up for Christmas, Severus and lilith put up the tree as harry snuck christmas cookies from the counter. They wrapped the lights around and around and around the tree before harry helped with the ornaments. 

Then Lilith started wrapping presents. Harry must have used a whole thing of tape trying to wrap a single present but he was so proud when finished holding up his creation. 

"That's great work Harry." Lilith agreed. "It's going to take your father ages to unwrap it." Harry laughed out putting it under the tree. The timer dinged and Harry jumped up. 'CAREFUL!" Lilith corrected not moving as fast as him as she got up. 

"Got you." Severus spun him away from the oven.

"Daddy the cookies!" Harry demanded. 

"I got them, remember its hot, I dont want you getting hurt." Severus corrected. 

"I got excited." Harry countered sheepishly. 

"I know." Severus assured. Harry waited impatiently as severus pulled the cookies out. 

"As if you havent been eating cookies all day." Lilith added plopping harry on a stool. "We can frost these ones, those are too hot." Lilith corrected when Harry reached out for the hot tray. 

Frosting was smeared over harry's cheek and shirt, sprinkles littered the counter and rolled onto the floor but as christmas music played around them the mess wasnt a concern only the memories they were making. 

Lilith was very much in the christmas spirit and ended the semester with their finals and a party. Slughorn used to have his little slugclub, it was exclusive, Lilith invited everyone up to the astronomy tower where she had food and drinks and lots of music. 

"Trying to become teacher of the year?" Albus questioned. Lilith shrugged innocently. 

"How am I doing?" She mused. 

"They adore you. I'm so glad you two decided to join us." Albus assured. "And these cookies," albus licked his lips. 

"I know." Lilith agreed. "They are my famous snickerdoodles." 


"Yes they won an award." Severus agreed. "And they are always requested."

"I can see why." Albus agreed. "Can I have the recipe."

"I'm taking that to my grave." Lilith declared. "But enough talk of death," She added lightly. "This is a party." 

Severus kissed Liliths cheek noticing her necklace, an anniversary gift from last year. It was a rune that meant everlasting love and it had their initials engraved in it and the date they got married. She loved it, all of her jewelry was exclusively from Severus. So Severus knew he had to step up his game for this christmas. 

Lilith was a collector. She collected the beautiful editions of each of the class but of course her class books became her favorite. Severus knew this. Of course he did. So for christmas he found a hieroglyphs and logograms book for her. He was so excited he put it front and center.

When Christmas finally rolled around Harry was itching to get up and wake up his parents. Santa came. 

Lilith baked the cinnamon rolls. They had a rule harry had to wait until seven before walking them up but lilith couldnt sleep. Santa had to come and stockings needed filling and presents needed to be presented.

Harry and Severus woke to the smell of cinnamon rolls filling the chambers. 

"Is it seven yet?" Harry shouted from his room. "I think it is!" He ran into their room and jumped on the bed. "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" he declared. 

"It's christmas." Lilith agreed "Merry Christmas my love." she kissed his face all over. 

"Merry Christmas mama." Harry snuggled into her. "Can we see whats in the stocking?"

"Yes!" Lilith agreed pulling her robe on. Harry jumped up on the couch pulling down the stockings. 

"Daddy," he handed Severus stocking off. "Mama," he added. 

"Thank you baby." Lilith agreed. Severus kissed her temple moving to get them some tea and plate the cinnamon rolls. He returned to harry dumping his stocking and taking stock of the sweets inside. 

"Daddy can I open yours?" Harry questioned. 

"Go for it buddy." Severus agreed, passing off the tea, LIlith thanked him taking a long sip. Harry shoved cinnamon roll in his mouth and sipped the hot chocolate severus made for him all while eyeing the rest of the presents under the tree. 

"Can we?" Harry questioned hopefully. 

"Oh, he wanted presents?" Lilith mused looking to severus. Harry nodded eagerly. 

"He thinks those presents are for him?" Severus teased. Harry nodded again.  "I dont know harry this one says mommy." Severus passed off Liliths gift. 

"But... I mean there is one for me right?" Harry questioned. 

"Just one." Lilith agreed. 

"Just one?" Harry questioned looking at the pile of presents. "Are you sure?" He countered in disbelief. 

"Okay maybe two." severus agreed. Harry ran to the tree and started sorting presents. 

"YOU LIARS!" Harry shouted. "This one says Harry! And this one! And this one!" 

"Oh, we did get you a few presents." Severus teased. Harry scrunched up his face at them. 

"Open it harry." LIlith encouraged. 

"Which one?" 

"ALl of them." Lilith declared. Harry started ripping at the wrapping unveiling new clothes and toys and games. 

"Lilith my love..." Severus nodded to the gift in her hands. 

"Oh thank you sev." She put her mug down and pulled at the wrapping, Harry ran to her side. 

"What did you get?" Harry questioned. Lilith's breath caught in her throat. 

"Oh Severus," Lilith breathed back as she ran a hand over the beautiful cover. 

"You like it?" Severus questioned

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"You like it?" Severus questioned. 

"It's gorgeous." Lilith agreed. "Thank you." 

"I'm so glad you like it." Severus agreed. Seeing that smile made all the searching for it all the more worth it. Her fingers traced down the silver edged pages and the ribbon bookmark, she gushed over it. 


January rolled around and For severus birthday Lilith held out a small package, he unwrapped it slowly. 

"It's a big surprise in a little package." Lilith informed him. Confused severus pulled the wrapping free, he stared down at a positive pregnancy test. 

"Lilith," Severus rasped standing up. "Are we-"

"Yes." Lilith agreed. Severus picked her up spinning her around. "A baby."

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