23. Fear the Name

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"Oh its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day!" Lilith sung out as she cleaned up Aria and Harry's toys. 

"Knock, Knock," Lucius said peering in. Lilith smiled back at him from her knees, she waved him in. "You need a house elf, Lilith, you shouldnt be on the ground."

"Keeps me young and reminds me how old I really am." Lilith countered with a laugh. Lucius offered her a hand up. 

"No classes today?"

"I have a bit of a break before my next one." Lillth corrected. 

"And the children?" lucius peered around ."It's too quiet." Lilith chuckled. 

"Aria is down for a nap, Harry is helping Sev with potions this after noon."

"I could never imagine working here." Lucius remarked, a shudder going through him. Lilith rolled her eyes moving to the kettle. 

"Can I offer you some tea?" 

"Please." Lucius agreed. 

"How is work at the ministry?" Lilith pondered leaning back against the counter. Lucius shrugged, shaking his head. 

"Time consuming, everyone is idiots." Lucius informed her. 

"But not you, never Lucius Malfoy." Lilith agreed. 

"Exactly, thank you." Lucius agreed. 

"How is Narcissa?"

"Cissy is fine, keeps talking nonsense about having another child. Thats why I am here actually. I need to borow Aria and remind CIssy what hard work a toddler is." Lucius instructed. 

"Oh but you two should have another baby!" Lilith cooed. Lucius face puckered. 

"We have Draco, he is more than capable of carrying on the family name." Lucius corrected. "We dont need another."

"Oh Lucius," Lilith swatted a hand at him. 

"What? I must admit I didnt want children, he was an oops."

"Draco is the sweetest oops there ever was." Lilith corrected. "And you love him."

"He's alright." Lucius mused, smiling back at Lilith. 

"Like is incomplete without children." Lilith assured. 

"Thats your view on life," Lucius agreed. "So can I borrow Aria?"

"No." Lilith corrected. "And I hope you go home and fuck your wife and get her very pregnant, with triplets." Lilith decided. 

"You are mean." Lucius corrected taking the tea cup from her. 

"I'm absolutely wicked." Lilith agreed clinking her glass with his. He took a sip before setting it down on the counter. "Not sweet enough?"

"It's perfect." Lucius assured. "But there was another reason why I came... There was something else I... had to talk to you about." 

"Alright," Lilith put her cup down as well, curiosity building in her. 

"I met an old... supporter."

"Dark times." Lilith agreed. 

"His views changed... we didnt know." Lucius whispered. 

"I know. If I didnt believe Severus I would never have married him." She assured. "What happened?"

'Usually its just nonsense," Lucius offered. "But... this rumor stuck out."

"What?" Lilith questioned. 

"His followers are resurfacing." 

"Why?" Lilith demanded. "Why now?"

"I dont know, its few but its enough that I heard." Lucius offered. 

"They think you are still a supporter." Lilith realized. 


"Keep it that way." Lilith suggested. 


"If they believe you are ready to stand for that monster, they will let you in and you will tell me what is going on." Lilith instructed. 

"I had a feeling we would see him again one day." Lucius admitted. 

"Lily got rid of him but he was sneaky, he always had a back up plan." Lilith agreed bitterly. "Is there any news on..." her voice dropped of abruptly. 

"What?" Lucius demanded. 

"This past summer a man was telling Harry about Voldemort." Lilith admitted and Lucius cowered away at the name. "Fearing his name only gives him more power and if he returns, he doesnt need power, he needs to be defeated."

"Of course." Lucius agreed. 

"Lucius," Severus remarked stepping forward.

"Hi Mr. Malfoy." Harry added before running to Lilith. 

"We will continue this later." Lucius suggested. "I should get going." He shook severus hand quickly. 

"Lucius come to the quidditch game on saturday." Lilith requested. "We will save you, Narcissa and Draco a seat."

"You know Narcissa hates the game, too cold and too high for her." Lucius countered. 

"Then you and Draco." Lilith agreed. "I wont take no for an answer."

"Alright, I will see you both there." Lucius agreed heading to the door. 

"What was that about?" Severus questioned. 

"He wanted to steal Aria." Lilith offered wrapping her arms around Harry. 

After Harry went to bed that night Lilith told Severus what Lucius had told her and Severus tensed beside her. 

"I know." Lilith agreed. "But we knew this day might come." 

"I'm not ready for that to come." Severus corrected. 

"Me either. But i want him dead and gone for good. I dont want this lingering over us." Lilith countered shifting on the couch. "When that day comes we have to be ready. We have to catch him. Once and for all."

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