3. Slime

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Harrys birthday rolled around faster than lilith would have liked. Her baby boy was  turning five.

But another reason why his birthday seemed to sneak up on them was because they were packing. While severus was packing quickly with a wave of his wand. Lilith needed to go through her home office. Pack up her work and her research carefully. She didnt need to. She could have waved a wand but she didnt want to miss anything.

Harry was packing his toys. He smiled down at each and every one of them. Severus looked between his wife and son.

"You know we can come back whenever right? Its not like we are trapped there." Severus remarked.

"I know." Lilith assured holding up an old tablet she found in the caves of an ancient tribal region. She had to apparate out of there very quickly once she got what she came for. "This stuff is delicate. Fragile. In need of extra love and attention."

Severus smiled back at her before moving to harry.

"I saw that look!" Lilith called back.

"What look?" Severus mused.

"That smile. That smile that says what words dont!" Lilith barked back.

"Love you." Severus countered. "You packed up Harry?"

"Yeah just one more toy, daddy." he agreed as severus crouched before him. Harry shoved a stuffed lion into his bag and failed at zipping it up.

"Alright. Im done for now!" Lilith declared. "Lets go play!"

"Yeah!" Harry declared jumping up.

They went to a trampoline park. Harry invited a few friends from the block and they jumped themselves crazy until they were all so tired. Legs and bodies sore while the parents chatted by the punch and cupcakes.

"A move?"

"A new job!"

"Thats so exciting!" The parents gushed as severus and lilith told them the small details they could about their new jobs.

"How long is the flight?"

It would take mere moments to get outside hogwarts ground.

"No sure yet." Lilith offered.

"You didnt buy the tickets? They will be an arm and a leg with all your bags!"

"The school is covering the transportation and housing when we get there. So we will be back home for the summer break." Severus added.

"Oh thats so nice. Must be a really fancy school. A university you said?"

"Private boarding school." Lilith corrected. "11 to 18."

"My, my these children's parents must be loaded!"

"To need an ancient runes professor!"

"Its a specialized school. Helps them get jobs and find their passions. None of that math bumbo jumbo. But sevy is teaching chemistry. So they will have to measure things for their experiments." Lilith added.

"You are so lucky. You get the best jobs!"

"Im really glad I get to work with severus this time around. I miss him so much when I'm gone." Lilith added reaching for severus hand. He smiled leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"And they have childcare for Harry? Schooling for him?"

"Well... he's going to be homeschooled, at the school They dont have a littles learning program but maybe I start one." LIlith remarked.

Harry ran up to them smiling into Lilith.

"He is just the sweetest little boy."

"He really is. My harry." Lilith agreed. Harry giggled into her as she scooped him up. "You having fun my love?"

"Naturally." Harry agreed.  Lilith laughed out looking to severus.

"Hes a mini you in the making!"

Severus reached out for harry. Harry leaned back dramatically into severus.

"A chemistry teacher in his future too?"

"Chemistry yes." Severus agreed looking to lilith.

"Potions." Harry corrected. "We makes potions together."

"Oh! Hes so precious. Potions? Can you imagine?" Lilith choked out a laugh as severus tickled harry.

"What are you making? In your potions?" the moms went on.  Lilith looked to severus as he cleared his throat.

"Slime," he answered. "Loves it." 

"Slime?" Harry countered. "We mix and was stir and we add in the green stuff and the red stuff and bam!"

It will be nice to not have to hide and normalize harrys favorite things once at hogwarts.

Can't Catch Me Now / Severus SnapeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant