12. Structured

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Draco and Harry spent most of their study days at Hogwarts running around the castle before Severus grabbed their collars and sat them down to work. Then they were running around again trying to find the ancient runes classroom. Draco didnt understand the runes, harry was helping though. Narcissa was impressed with what draco was learning at hogwarts already but their teaching methods at the manor were more... structured. 

Harry and Draco sat at the table, a tutor barking down at them. Harry's penmanship had gotten better though with a scary lady shouting at him. His stutter when reading was gone too. Although harry didnt like the Malfoy teaching methods and much rather preferred his mother and fathers teaching, malfoy manor kindergarten was beneficial. 

But both agreed that school at Hogwarts was so much better. 

Final exams, their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s were completed and graded and the kids were celebrating, saying their goodbyes and packing up. Lilith thought this year went by so fast. Harry grew another inch, they needed to go shopping again before his next birthday no doubt. 

Severus was cleaning up his potions class, locking up his stocks room when Lilith came down. 

"I put a charm on my classroom so no one touches anything." Lilith remarked. 

"Thats smart." Severus remarked pulling out his wand. 

They had successfully completed their first year at hogwarts, Harry had successfully completed his assignments much to his dismay of going to the manor once a week for his lessons with draco, but he was doing really well. 

Draco and Harry were currently running around while all the rest of the students cleared out. 

"It's like our own personal castle!" Draco decided. 

"What are you planning on doing next fall?" narcissa questioned. 

"What do you mean?" Lilith countered packing the last box of things they would need for the summer. 

"You are having a baby this fall and harry should be in primary school." Narcissa reminded her. 

"I was going to keep homeschooling him" Lilith countered. "I hate when he is apart from me." She added. "I can't imagine sending him away all day."

"Well you might think differently when you have a newborn baby sucking all your attention and energy." Narcissa countered. 

"When are you two having another? Draco is so sweet, i'm sure he would love a sibling. I know Harry is excited." Lilith offered instead. 

"No. One child is more than enough for us." Narcissa corrected. "I dont love children as much as you and severus do." 

"I love my boy. I'm not as much a fan of everyone elses children." Severus corrected, coming up behind them. "Are you almost ready my love? I want to get out of here." Lilith chuckled nodding.

"Lets get the boys." She agreed. 

Lilith was always a petite woman,  small curves but wavy auburn hair. After giving birth to Harry her hips and breasts widened and never quite went back to her normal frame. Severus liked her hourglass figure. Loved seeing her pregnant. 

Lilith was constantly running a hand over her stomach, talking to her baby. She wanted to know what the baby was. She wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl. She loved Harry but wanted a little girl too. 

Wouldnt that just be perfect, one of each, a boy and girl. 

"Less than a moon before we can really the gender." Severus reminded Lilith when he found he looking through her leaves book. 

"The leaves will know already." Lilith corrected. 

"You trust the leaves? You were never the best at reading leaves." Severus countered gently. 

"Thats because its stupid." Lilith agreed. But she drank down her tea and stared at the leaves. She huffed out a breath handing it to severus. "Well?"

"I can't tell." Severus corrected. "I'm sorry love." 

"Gah, let me do it again. Maybe I'm not swirling enough..." she poured the tea again and again but it just looked like blobs to her. "I hate waiting." Lilith decided letting her cup fall. "I just want to know so I can start picking out things! Like colors for her room! Or clothes for him..."

"Soon enough my love."

Can't Catch Me Now / Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now