10. Grounded

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Severus loved lilith in their old Slytherin attire. Her grey sweatshirt still looked bran new, the green lettering patches still vibrant. Their emblem on the sleeve proudly patched on. It brought him back seeing her walking around the dungeons. He remembered when they were younger and she was bossing around Lucius.

 "You are staring." Lilith purred wrapping her arm around him. 

"You are so beautiful, Lilith." Severus answered. 

"Bye mum, bye dad!" Harry shouted as he ran past. 

"Where are you going? We were going to decorate." Lilith corrected as Harry headed out.

"I will be back soon, I... need to prove Hermione and Ron wrong... again." Harry countered.

"alright, be quick about it love." Lilith requested. "Cookies will be ready to decorate soon enough and you know your sister and cookies."

"Save me some!" Harry begged before running out. WHen he got to the polyjuice potion he looked between Hermione and Ron. "Lets make this quick, I have christmas cookies to decorate or else my sister will eat them all."

"Hey draco." Lilith cooed. "You staying for christmas?"

"No, father has plans, you should come over. He is throwing another party- where is Harry?"

"He was proving his friends wrong." Lilith offered.

"Gryffindor." Draco scoffed.

"I know right!" Lilith agreed running a hand through his hair. "If you stick around cookies will be done in a bit."

"I'm going to grab your presents I will be back." Draco agreed running next door. "Crabe. Goyle. What are you doing?"

"Hey mama I was thinking for christmas..." Aria remarked as she looked at the presents already under the tree. None of them looked like a broom for her. 

"Yes?" Lilith questioned.

"I want a broom of my own."

"We have talked about this." Lilith countered. 

"But I'm old enough!" Aria whined. 

"You are too young and too reckless." Lilith corrected.

"I am not!" Aria objected.

"You really are." Severus agreed. "Aria you are five." 

"Nearly six!"

"Not nearly enough." Lilith corrected. "Even then it would be too young for flying on your own."  Aria grumbled and grumbled, she was a good grumbler. 

"I want a real reason!" Aria demanded stomping a little foot down.

"Because I said so." Lilith sassed. Aria pouted up at her. "How is that for an answer?"

"Those are the answers that make me despise authority." Aria declared dramatically. 

"Where is our good child?" Severus pondered looking around. "He should be back by now."

"Good child my butt, he is always causing trouble with those gyrffindors." Aria corrected. "And he has a broom!"

"He is older than you and taking lessons."

"Give me lessons!"

"You would fly off without permission." Severus knew his daughter to well.

"No... well only If you said no." Aria admitted.

"At least she is honest about her future deceit."

"Help me with the cookies." Lilith instructed. "We will rediscuss a broom at your birthday, how about that?"

"Fine." Aria grumbled. "But I want to go for a ride with you."

"I would love that." 


"I dont feel so good." Harry murmured running to the bathroom. Lilith glanced to Severus but he was already following after Harry. 

"What happened?" Severus questioned as Harry splashed water on his face. 

"I just... had to prove them wrong." Harry remarked. 

"And you did a potion didnt you." 

"How could you tell?" Harry whispered. 

"Because I'm your father and potions master harry." Severus demanded. "What were you thinking?" 

"I was thinking that I needed to defend Draco!" Harry shouted back. "We did the potion right." 

"What potion?"

"It doesnt matter now." harry assured. "It's done." 

"What potion harry?" Severus demanded. 

"Should I be grounding both our children?" lilith pondered. 

"I didnt do anything!" Aria corrected. 

"He did the spell right." Severus whispered. "It going to be alright at least, but a wrong move and he could have been seriously hurt. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY-"

"I know I'm sorry!" Harry declared hiding his face in liliths chest. She stroked his head kissing him gently. 

"Since its christmas I will forgo the groundings this time." Lilith decided with a nod from severus. "But Aria I dont want to hear any more sass about your own broom and Harry-"

"I'm really sorry mum." Harry whispered. 

"I dont want you testing any spells or potions outside of class." Lilith added. 

"I promise." Harry agreed. 

"Cookie time?" Aria questioned hopefully. 


"Merry Christmas." Lilith whispered kissing Harry awake before Aria jumped on his bed demanding presents.

Aria was still disappointed in her lack of broom under the tree but she found other toys that were equally as entertaining. 

Christmas was for PJs and movies but today they were headed to the manor for a christmas party. 

"How do I look?" Aria questioned doing a spin. 

"Beautiful like your mother." Severus answered. "harry, lilith you ready?"

"Another minute!" Lilith called out. 

"I'm ready." Harry agreed. "Dad, I'm really sorry-"

"It's okay. Just dont do it again." Severus begged. Harry nodded. 

"I should have told you-"

"Why didnt you?"

"They thought Draco was the heir of Slytherin." Harry whispered. "And since you and Mr Malfoy were... you know." 

"I know." Severus agreed. 

"I just wanted to be the one to prove them wrong... who do you think it is?" Harry questioned. "The heir of slytherin." 

"I..." Severus words faltered when Lilith came out in a tight red dress. A smile curved her lips at his speechless state. 

"I'm ready."

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