7. Hootie

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Harry used his crayon to write draco a letter while Lilith continued her lecture. He rose his hand asking how to spell things and Lilith would pause her lessons and move to harry helping him before returning to the front of the class and continuing as if she never stepped away.

Severus was bringing harry to the owlery to mail his letter at lunch. Harry asked if he could pick out the owl. Severus chuckled shaking his head.

"You know these owls are other peoples owls, the students." Severus remarked. "But some of them-"

"Oh silly me." Harry giggled seeing all the owls on their perches. "Where is Hootie?" Harry questioned.

"yes, of course, Hootie." Lilith's owl was a brown, grey, and black owl, she was a small owl, but had big yellow eyes. She had been moody lately, she didnt want to deliver letters. Severus asked if Hootie was on her period. Lilith promptly whacked him.

"You wanna pick an owl that belongs to Hogwarts?" Severus countered

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"You wanna pick an owl that belongs to Hogwarts?" Severus countered.

"No. Hootie will listen to me." Harry assured. "HOOTIE?" Hootie stared back at them. "Come here Hootie I got a present for you." Harry assured waving the letter around. Severus pulled out some seed.  Hootie flew to them on her own time. Lilith had been using other owls, Hootie was a good owl, more of a snuggler than a carrier owl. 

"Can you bring this to my friend draco for me?" Harry questioned. Harry reached out trying to secure it but Hootie lifted her leg and then the other avoiding Harry's grasp. "No, stop doing that, sit still." He instructed. HOotie stared back at harry lifting one leg and then the other as if it was a game.


"Hootie doesnt listen to me." Severus corrected. "Lets pick a different owl-" Hootie pecked at Severus hand as if insulted. "Then do you job." Severus barked rubbing at the sore on his hand. 

"Hootie, Malfoy manor!" Harry demanded. Hootie seemed to roll her golden eyes before snatching up the scroll and taking off. "See I told you she listened to me." 

"She was more insulted at the fact we might use someone else." Severus decided. Lilith laughed out when Hootie delivered the letter to her. Harry and Severus thought the moody little owl had done good. Hootie dropped it at her feet before landing on her shoulder in the ancient runes classroom. Lilith picked it up putting it on the table, before stroking her little chest. 

The class awed at Hootie and boosted her ego even more. She hopped around the classroom, getting pets and admiration. 

Harry was so excited to tell her the good news, he fixed Hootie, she listened now that Lilith couldnt tell him that HOotie didnt like flying long distances anymore and asked severus to send the letter again with a proper owl. 

Hootie also didnt like the owlery, she decided it was stupid after the first few weeks. Hootie liked the ancient runes classroom though. 

Harry liked Hootie, she was sweet, she didnt listen but she liked to snuggle up next to everyone and hooted out happily. She also loved baths. A misting of water had her extending her wings and chirping for more. 

Severus had always wanted a cat but Hootie never got along well with cats. She hooted aggressively at them and they usually swatted back at her. But one of these days Severus was going to convince Lilith they needed a cat over an owl that didnt do what they wanted. 

But Severus knew that Hootie helped Lilith on her adventures and didnt like being a carrier owl, she liked being Liliths assistant. Severus thought the little owl felt pride in it. Now she was just an owl, no more adventures into deep tunnels in the middle of nowhere looking for ancient treasures. At least not for a while. Lilith wanted to take things slower and have another child. They both agreed they were staying at Hogwarts. 

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