13. Ultrasound

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Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon out now!

Lilith shivered as the ultrasound gel was placed on her stomach. Severus held her hand as Harry knelt on the bottom on the bed staring back at the technician.

"Can you see it? Can you see it?" harry questioned impatiently.

She ran the wand over Liliths stomach before they found the baby, the heart beat.

"Would you like to know the gender-" she barely got the words out before Lilith was begging her yes.

"Am I a big brother or a big sister?"

"You are a big brother." Severus corrected. "You are having a little brother or sister." Severus clarified. Harry giggled embarrassed.

"Thats what I meant." Harry agreed. "Well?"

"Congratulations," Lilith hated how the technician seemed to drag on and on, as if they werent waiting long enough as it was. "It's a..."

"HURRY UP!" Lilith snapped. Severus pat her hand gently but it didnt help liliths temper.

"Girl." the tech answered nervously. "Its a girl."

"A girl." Lilith cooed smiling back at Severus.

Narcissa threw her a baby shower. Pinks and purples filled the manor. Lilith didnt know half the people but Narcissa assured her that they were loaded and would give the best gifts.

Severus smiled down at a little night light from Albus.

"Look at this from Mooney!" Lilith laughed out at the little toy wolf. "Looks a bit like him too."

Lilith although wasnt as close with James group of friends as lily had been, lilith had her own clique of slytherin buddies.

Severus rolled his eyes at the gifts from james little crew that tormented him. Lilith had always been his protector. He hated it at first. Having a girl stand up for him but that girl happened to be his best friend and fiercely protective. She always put james friends in their place.

"I wrote sirius..." lilith admitted. "Let him know..."

"Of course you did." Severus agreed softly.

"I dont know that he actually gets any of the letters-"

"Plural? Not a singular letter?"

"He shouldnt be in azkaban and you know it." Lilith huffed out a breath.

"Look at this from my mother." Severus suggested instead. Lilith leaned into him as he held up the crocheted blanket. "The note says she will sew in our daughters name when we pick one."

"I love your mother."

"You loves you." Severus added fondly.

The summer moons were filled with baby preparations. THeir home in east london was filled with gifts and baby gadgets.

Everything was going peachy until those darn Braxton Hicks contrations started coming and didnt stop. lilith went into the muggle doctors and they suggested bed rest and relaxation. She had too much to do to be slowed down by false contractions.

Harry ran around being liliths personal assistant while severus was out getting food. Lilith hated sitting put. She propped her book on her lap an activity that would have usually excited her, reading. But since it was all she could do. Sit and read or watch a film she was severely bored.

Harry was her entertainment. He read stories to her and got her tea, he piled her up with blankets and snuggled up in her lap.

"Oh my sweet boy." Lilith whispered stroking his head. "You are going to be the best brother ever."


Lilith was screaming.

"What do you mean?" She demanded.

"I was only trying to-"

"No! Im not an invalid!" Lilith demanded. "I can teach!"

"You are on bed rest my love." Severus agreed. "Maybe headmaster is right and you should take a year off. You wanted to focus on the baby-"

"Im a modern woman I can do it all!" Lilith demanded, a pain stabbed through her and she groaned out clutching at her stomach.

"I know you are my love. I know!" Severus assured moving closer to her. "But Lil, taking time for your health is important. Taking time for the babies health... no one is doubting you can do it all but you dont need to."

"Are you going to take off from potions to tend to my every need?" Lilith sassed.

"You would grow bored of me." Severus mused.

"Sevy." She whined.

"Lils." He countered kissing her gently. "Just think about it... i just want you healthy. Safe."

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