18. Voldemort

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To say Lilith's first and second years teaching were completely different and her thoughts of quitting all together had crossed her mind every time Aria gave a deafening shout in the middle of the night or in the middle of class that made Lilith sick to her stomach... well that would be entirely true.

But as the graduates threw their robes up in victory and were sent off to figure out their own shit, welcome to the real world kiddos where babies are loud and you never get what you want, Lilith had murmured. 

But now that school was over she was in a better mood. Aria was sleeping more throughout the night and they were in the market today. Harry ran forward picking up fruits, berries and some sweet treats. Lilith paid the farmers and Harry started munching on a cookie. 

Lilith loved the market, she piled up their goods in the bottom on Aria's stroller while she drifted from awake to asleep to half awake again as on lookers cooed over her adorableness. 

"Harry?" Lilith looked around and a panic filled her when he wasnt at her side. "HARRY!"

"Me? Voldemort tried to kill...me?"

"Yes." the old man agreed. "That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, young Harry. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse... and an evil curse at that."

"Harry!" Lilith demanded. "Come here."

"What happened to...to You-Know-Who?" Harry countered.

"Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name. You're the boy who lived."

"Mama?" Harry questioned.

"Whats the matter with you?" Lilith seethed.

"I was just trying to-"

"No." Lilith commanded. "I dont know you, you dont know us. You are not allowed to talk to my son, especially not about things like this."

"Mama?" Harry questioned as she led him away

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"Mama?" Harry questioned as she led him away. "Was what he said true?" Lilith sighed getting them home and unpacking the groceries.

"Yes." Lilith agreed stiffly. "But this is a talk to have with your father too."

Harry remained quiet on the way home and when they got back, Severus smile fell seeing Lilith's pinched face. 

"Let me put Aria in her bouncer." LIlith murmured scooping Aria up. She smiled little chunky legs bouncing and little hands spinning at the sensory objects before her. 

"What happened?" Severus questioned. 

"A stranger came up to harry and started telling him about Voldemort and his scar." Lilith hissed. 


"Now Harry has questions."

"Harry." Severus turned to him. 

"Is a monster after me?" 

"No. He is long gone." Severus assured. 

"But he is the one that killed.... aunt Lily and uncle Stinky?" Harry realized. 

"Yes." Lilith agreed. "But he is gone. Your aunt lily protected you that day... when... you were there with them, having a sleep over." Lilith informed him. "I dont know why he attacked your aunt. I dont know why... they..." she felt a heavy weight on her chest. "But your aunt protected you, now this scar is... all the remains of that night."

"He can't come back?" harry questioned. 

"No, he cant." Lilith assured. "You are safe, I promise you baby." Lilith assured hugging him tight. "He is gone. Voldemort is gone. You are safe." Harry nodded touching his scar. 

"Why did he act like that to me? The man in the market?" Harry questioned. 

"Because you are possibly the last person to see that evil man alive." Severus offered. 

"Aunt Lily killed him."

"Yes." LIlith agreed. 

"She must have been really powerful." Harry realized. 

"She was. but Harry, love is the most powerful thing in the world." Lilith assured. "Can you forget about this evil man? Can you trust that we are going to keep you safe?'

"Of course." harry agreed. "I love you two so much." He agreed, he had no reason to believe that what his parents said were false, after all the stranger was strange. Harry shouldnt have been talking to him anyways. So voldemort drifted from his mind. 

The days passed and Lilith expected harry to ask more questions but Harry let it go. She was glad he was so trusting, glad he didnt want to start asking more questions about the monster that tried to kill them all. 

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