Ch 152 - A Fireworks Show

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After explaining everything. Kenji giving very in-depth detail that Magnolia was literally inside his head and that's where she resided. Mina was... less than happy. Wanting to stay at her parents of a while. But she calmed herself down. Trying to understand they were just friends.

Kenji: You've got all your stuff so I'll be back in...

Selane: It's a 24hr thing.

Kenji: So I'll be back by tomorrow.

Mina: You promise me you won't leave me for... her.

Mina looked a bit disappointed. Even after Kenji asked, Selane could only bring a plus one. Even if Selane wanted to bring Mina she couldn't. So Mina let Kenji go see something that sounded completely out of this world.

Kenji: We've already had this discussion.

Mina: I know I know.

Mina kissed Kenji on the cheek as Selane watched. She felt really hurt watching but she knew if she wanted to stay beside Kenji she may have to see a lot more before Kenji sees her as someone he loves. Selane not realising that had already happened.

Mina: And Magnolia don't get any ideas!

Kenji: {Ideas of what?}

Magnolia: Try and stop me!

Kenji: {What's happening?} She said she won't.

Mina: Then I'll see you later.

Kenji and Selane disappeared as Mina had her bags in front of her house. Wanting to spend time with her family while Kenji was gone.

And now Kenji was in a white room. Selane told him this is like a private room to select where you wanted to go instead of wondering around with other gods like they did in the low and medium grade public spaces.

Kenji: So where is this taking place?

Selane: Oh, well everyone got an invite to a core universe that has lost all life in it. So they decided to make a large display of it for everyone. Because it's not everyday that a whole core universe reaches the end of its life.

Kenji: Core universe?

Selane: A massive collection of core worlds in one universe that forms a core universe. There are core multiverses but only two of those actually exist and they're both owned by core gods.

Kenji: {Fuck. They're stronger than I thought.}

[Selane the Goddess of Pleasure has invited you to an event. Do you accept?]

Kenji pressed accept.

[Warning. If you accept everyone will receive a notification that the core god of Fiction is back. Do you still accept?]

Kenji: They were going to find out anyways.

Kenji pressed accept as they appeared in dark space. Many gods could be seen everywhere. Kenji could sense many gods scattered throughout various corners of space. Most with high rank power. Some with medium or low rank.

Kenji: {So when's it going to start?}

Selane: Oh you can communicate your thoughts? That really cool and useful. But don't worry you can talk.

Kenji looked at Selane as he could hear her talking with her mouth. But they were in space. He slowly opened his mouth to talk.

Kenji: Hello?

Selane: Hey~.

Kenji was completely surprised he could talk. He couldn't feel magic around him nor any sort of power.

Kenji: I thought we were in space?

Selane: We are. There's just a system setting to make events like this easier. So this allows us to breath and talk. For low or medium gods it allows them not to die while in space or experiencing the explosions.

Kenji: {That awfully convenient.}

Magnolia: {I'd say. It's 10000 times more advanced than than the world voice. But for some reason I expected more.}

Kenji: {You wanted more than the current system?}

Magnolia: {I don't know. I just have a feeling that it's a really cheap knock off.}

Kenji: {Wow. I think cheap knock off is a bit harsh.}

Magnolia: {It's just a feeling. I... I don't know why.}


Selane latched onto Kenjis arm as he blushed slightly at his name being called and Selane hugging him. Selane looked at the blush and slightly giggled as they both looked down into space. Low or medium grade gods may have not been able to see it yet. But it had started. Kenji could definitely see it. Even looking at the universe from so far away was beautiful. But what was happening was amazing to watch. It looked like someone was speeding up the process of the end of their universe.

Some stars grew into massive red giants and exploded in a plethora of colours. A massive supernova that wiped out any small dead planets that were around it. Exploding so large and with such vibrant colours that it was stunning to watch. A small neutron star being left. Other stars opened up like a flower. Beautiful colours coming from those and surrounding them as a planetary nebula left a small white dwarf star.

But then other things formed within the dying universe. Black holes devoured stars and massive moons and asteroids crashed into planets.

Dark energy gathered and ripped apart the universe  piece by piece. Low god and medium gods looked awe as High rank gods looked impressed. Kenji to looked in amazement watching it with such awe. Selane looked at Kenji as she smiled at him. She liked looking at him more than watching the show. Holding him close as they watched it together.

The universe started to expand and get bigger as suns and planets flew past the gods. They were all in the middle of the explosion that were happening. Kenji even touched a sun in amazement as it passed and exploded in a supernova. Out of all the things he had seen and done. Even living in fiction. This was the coolest thing he had seen.

Kenji: Thank you for bringing me Selane.

Selane: No problem. It was nothing.

Kenji: No really. Thank you.

Selane smiled as she held onto Kenji tighter as the last stars died. Blackholes consumed and slowly faded. And there was nothing but darkness. Absolute darkness. Nothing could be seen or heard. As it was silent. As if everyone made a pact to remain silent for a moment and let the amazing event settle in.

Then Kenji felt Selane move as he felt a kiss on his cheek. He was completely stunned as he felt Selane back off.

Kenji: What was that for?

Selane: Well the only time I got to kiss you was in Minas body. I wanted to kiss you at least once in mine. Did you like it?

Kenji: I...


Kenji felt a huge impact hit him across the face as he flew backwards. He then hit a wall and fell to a floor that appeared. Light suddenly appeared as he spat blood out onto the marble white floor that formed.

Kenji: {What *Bleh* The hell was that?!}


Kenji: Wha...

Someone grabbed Kenji by head as he kneed Kenji straight through his jaw. Completely destroying Kenjis skull as he dropped dead.


Kenji felt someone spit on him as his head regenerated. Looking up as he looked at a man with blue eyes, brown skin and black long hair.

Birth Of A New God Of Fiction (Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now