Ch 140 - A New Demon Lord (3)

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Kenji was high in the sky. No one could see him. If he wanted to he could wipe them all out while under Presence Erasure. But he didn't. Kenji just kept looking down on the army that was preparing and getting ready for war. Barriers, magic devices and army formations. Kenji appeared on the ground in an open area. A good distance away from any of the fighting.

Kenji: Where's Mina at currently?

Magnolia: As she said she was insistent in fighting this battle. She's currently with the Orc Geld. Though given the heart beat I've focused in on for you she seems nervous.

Kenji could hear the rapid beating heart of Mina. Beating hard and fast.

Kenji: {She must be nervous. Even with my intervention she's still going to see a lot of humans die. I wonder... *Sigh* let's not think about it.} Have you targeted all the targets?

Magnolia: Ready and waiting.

Kenji: Start the first step then.

Three people then appeared in front of Kenji. They all looked at each other then Kenji. They're confusion turning into one of wariness. The two males got into fighting stance while the woman slowly backed away after looking at Kenji.

???: Who are you? What did you do? We were just about to kills some monsters!

Kenji: Well you can still try.

Kenji revealed his wings with their large span.

Kenji: And like you mum, I welcome all commers. {Let's go!}

Magnolia: Really. A quote right now.

Kenji: {What this is going to be boring for me. I might as well have some fun.}

Kenji wasn't even focused on the two people ready to fight.


A man in a long grey coat tried to punch Kenji but as he got close he appeared in the same place he had started. His feet landing in the exact same place he first appeared. The man punching nothing but air, causing slight gusts of wind.

???: What the? Kyoya are you going to help or just stand there?

Kyoya: He doesn't seem worth it but ok.

Kyoya looked at Kenji with the intent to kill. Both charged at the same time. Kyoya slashing down, the other punching. But again they ended up in the same position they started, slashing and punching at air.

Kyoya: What is this? I can't see anything blocking our path. Shogo do you feel anything?

Shogo: I have no clue. Maybe it's a wall of some kind. He may be using Spacial spirit magic. We should both go opposite directions. Attack from either side. Split his attention.

???: Stay still.

The woman shouted. Some magic dispersed. Hitting Kenji but not doing anything. Both men ran either side of Kenji trying to hit him again. But Kyoya appeared exactly where he started. However, Shogo ended up punching through the girl behind him. His hand going all the way through her torso and covering his arm in blood. The girl coughing up blood.

???: Sh... g... o.

The girl died as she slipped off his arm. His arm covered in blood.

Kyoya: You... Your going to pay for that!

There was rage on Kyoyas face as he looked at Kenji.

Shogo: He's more of an idiot than I thought.

Shogo had an aura coming from him as it compressed into him. Some minor gusts of wind hit Kenji.

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