Ch 115 - Meta Liberation Army (5)

187 11 13

Izuku charged at Kenji. Punching him in the gut at 60% All for One.

Kenji: Izuku. Please just stop this. If you remember everything. You know even All Might with his injury healed couldn't beat me.

Izuku kept delivering right and left uppercuts to Kenjis body. 60% wasn't enough to even phase Kenji. Kenji just looked down at Izuku. But Izuku was so focused for some reason, Kenji saw a plan behind his eyes. Kenji then looked down and Izukus hands had changed. They were red.

Kenji: {FA JIN!}

Izuku powered up to 100% and uppercut Kenji in the gut combined with Fa Jin. Kenji got pushed back with that impact. His boots dragging along the floor. His armour was unbroken though.

Kenji: Izuku I'm not going to fight you.

Kenji extended his wings and began to fly away. Izuku jumped high up and spinning fast, kicking Kenji in the back of the head sending him flying into the road. A massive boom was heard as Izuku went crashing where Kenji had landed.

Kenji: Izuku. You're not going to be able to do anything. Please just forget this.

Kenji was holding Izuku by his foot as Kenji was standing where both of them had crashed. Izuku pointed his hand at Kenjis face as he flicked his finger. Sending a massive sonic boom in front of him as Kenji let go of Izuku.


Kenji had switched to Infared with his eyes closed. He saw Izuku charge at him as he avoided Izukus punch. Kicking Izuku up into the air. Kenji kept rubbing his eyes trying to stop them from watering and bleeding with the debris that flew into it.

Kenji felt a heavy weight on his shoulder as he tipped and fell into the floor. Nearby buildings began to fall.


Kenji heard it looking at a falling building with Infrared. One small child inside of it. Kenji disappeared. Appearing next to the child as he place a drop of Defiled energy into him. The child disappeared just as the building fell onto Kenji.



Izuku: SMASH!

At 100% the wind pressure was enormous and with Kenjis open wings he was sent flying with all the debris. When Kenji was spinning in the air he saw civilians bellow. Forming a black barrier around them as the debris and Kenji bounced off it and into the floor.


Izuku suddenly appeared in front of Kenji. Kenji unable to react.

Kenji: {GEARSHIFT?!}

Izuku punched Kenji in the throat with his red fist. Kenji choking on his collapsed throat. Kenji was sent flying in the sky. Kenji spat up blood as his collapsed throat healed.

Kenji: {He's actually trying to kill me?!}

Izuku jumped up at Kenji and then span. His spins going so fast the air around was getting sucked into a vortex as he delivered a strong kick to Kenji. Hitting him in the face as his helmet rattled his head.

Civilians: What is that?!

Kenji noticed more civilians but he was going too fast and would crash through and barrier he could make.

Kenji disappeared as he crashed into a crater. Gigantomachia laying unconscious near him.

Kenji: {Izukus not caring about civilians around! Someone's going to get hurt! WHY IS HE DOING THIS?! THIS ISN'T HIM!}

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