Ch 83 - Standing By At Death

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It had been a while since Gojo went to the principal and Kenji was doing something he became very good at. Stalking people. Hidden in the sky as he flew towards a large building. Stopping in front of it.

Kenji: {This should be the school given that these two are in front of it. I'll just need to stay low enough to stay within the curtain.}

Kenji lowered himself as a black sky formed. Covering the school Kenji was close to. Kenji watched as two men stood on the roof of a building parallel to the school. Kenji turned towards the building as his eyes turned purple. His vision turned purple as he could see could see everyone inside the building. Some people had smaller auras, some larger. Kenji could see Itadori rushing through the halls until he went into the gymnasium.

Kenji: {If that larger aura is Itadori. Than that one in front of him should be Junpei. Nanami isn't here yet so that's good. I'll just have to watch for now.}

Kenji watched Itadori and Junpei fight as he stayed outside the school hovering just bellow the cursed energy veil. Junpei was thrown out of the window as Itadori jumped out of it. Their fight continued on as Itadori punched Junpei back into the school building. They're fighting slowly dying down as Kenji noticed a much larger aura getting closer to Itadori.

Itadori got slammed into a wall. Held there by a malformed hand. The aura walked closer and closer to Junpei. Placing his hand on him.

Kenji: I'm sorry... Junpei.

Kenji watched as Junpei was deformed. His body being contorted and twisted. Compressed and stretched.

Itadori: JUNPEI!!!

Kenji heard Itadori as he screamed out in the school. Kenji slowly descended level to the floor Itadori was on. Laughter was heard from the hall Itadori was in. Kenji looked on as Itadori had a sudden spike in power. His aura growing larger and larger. Itadori started fighting again. Kenji kept on watching the entire scene play out. Itadori fighting, getting injured, Nanami arriving to save Itadori.

Kenji took advantage of the chaos as he flew higher just above where Nanami was pinned. Kenji looked down as he stretched out his finger as a small black drop fell into Nanami as he was still pinned to the wall.

Kenji dodged Itadori from above. As he did both Itadori and Nanami started punching the cursed spirit. Beating it up helplessly. Then what Kenji was waiting for happened.

???: Domain expansion. Self-Embodiment of Perfection.

A black dome engulfed the cursed spirit and Nanami. Pushing Itadori away.

Kenji: Guess this is my moment.

Nanami appeared besides Itadori as he and Itadori looked confused at each other. Looking back at the Domain formed by the cursed spirit they were just fighting.

Inside the Domain

The domain was black. Pale hands being formed everywhere. A cursed spirit with darker grey hair standing in front of a large gathering of hands. Kenji looked around as he looked back at the cursed spirit.

???: Where is that blonde? Who are you? What happened?

The spirit looked around the domain but could neither see or feel Nanami inside of it.

Kenji: Mahito. I have come here to take something from you.

Mahito looked confused.

Mahito: You've entered my domain. You know what that means. You're not making it out alive.

Kenji looked at Mahito and the domain. Kenji lifted his hand clicking his fingers as a massive pitch black dome expanded from him. All the hands disappear and the domain shell of Mahitos shattered. On the outside an even darker domain shell formed.

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