Ch 93 - With Me Death Is A Mercy

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Kenji was disappearing and reappearing with Clementine in his hand.

Clementine: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Kenji: If you throw up I'll drown you in it.

Clementine quickly covered her mouth as they appeared and disappeared throughout the sky. Reappearing in a graveyard.

Clementine: This... this is it. If you want anything from me like my body. Just take it. Just please have mercy on me. {Even if I have to be his. As long as I live I guess it won't be the worst life.}

Kenji dropped her on the floor.

Clementine: Thank y...

A black slash severed Clementines head clean off her body as her body collapses on the floor. Kenji then began walking, stepping straight through her body and crushing her skull. Further into the graveyard Kenji wiped out hordes of basic zombies and skeletons. Cancelling every screen that appeared.

???: Clementine! I thought I told you my army is not your play th... Who are you?

A ugly old man turned around looking at Kenji. Wearing red robes, a skull necklace and holding a long staff.

Kenji: Clementine is dead. Begged for her life. Threw her self at me body and mind. It was disgusting in all honesty.

Kenji said staring at the man.

???: What is your affiliation? Are you with the Slane Theocracy?!

Kenji: No use telling a dead man.


A green liquid shot out of the magic circle and hit Kenji. It slowly fell off him. Melting the floor beneath his feet.

Kenji: That was acid? I could have drank that thinking it was Mountain Dew. Though...

Something swirled around in his mouth as he spat out a green liquid.

Kenji: It tastes like shit.


Kenji was immediately crushed into the floor. A massive skeleton dragon on top of him.

???: You moron! You thought you could beat me?! Now look at you! Dea...

The skeleton dragon then exploded as strong winds caused the man to fly backwards. Kenji flew out of the hole his wings and claws showing as black sparks ran across his body.

Kenji: Three times getting stepped on and two times by a dragon. Someone may start assuming the wrong thing.

???: H...H...HOW?!

Then Kenji felt something on his side. Another claw of another dragon next to him. A white sword appeared as he slashed upwards. A golden light travelling through the dragon as it turned to dust.


Kenji appeared in front of him looking down at the old man as he scurried backwards.

Kenji: {Pathetic.} Tell me. Do you hold any research books based on complete resurrection.

???: You... Your interested in necromancy?

Kenji: I have a need for it. Now do you have research books on complete resurrection. To bring someone back to life without a body.

???: Without a body? Are you and idiot? You ca...

Kenji severed the mans head off with the white sword. The sword disappearing after the head fell back.

Kenji walked inside the large, broken building behind the old man's body. Kenji found multiple books there. Holding them all Kenji quickly went to his library and dropped them on the floor and left.

[Congratulations. Due to putting books that are inherently fictional in your library your library has expanded.]

[All books inside fiction can now be found inside your library.]

[All books with Ego are kept in a separate room. Think of the room to access the Ego library.]

Kenji: Woah. That's a lot of books. {Though if I can't use necromancy to bring Mina back. What other options am I left with. Everything I've watched uses a body to bring someone back. Maybe Ain...}

Ainz: KENJI! What happened here? Enfria said that you toutured someone that tried to take him away. Then when we came here we found her corpse and a dead man outside.

Kenji turned around towards Ainz and Narbel

Kenji: Catch.

Kenji tossed two things towards Ainz. A small orb and a sliver head band.

Kenji: I'm assuming you picked up the other items on her body.

Ainz: I did.

Kenji: Good. Then we can leave. This place isn't worth our time. Low level necromancy and weak warriors.

Narbel: As strong as you may be you cannot make that decision for Lord Ainz.

Kenji looked at Narbel and then towards Ainz.

Ainz: {Kenji is right. It doesn't look like anything here is worth looking at. But Kenji has been taking the lead on all of this. If he keeps doing this it's only a matter of time till the others see he's better than me. And if that happen...} Kenji we will leave for now, report what has happened and boost our rank at the adventurers guild. With this we should be able to take higher grade missions and expand our influence.

Ainz looked at Kenji. Their red eyes meeting each other.

Kenji: Great idea. I'll head back to The Tomb of Narzarik. Tell the adventures guild that I took and injury or something.

Kenji disappeared.

Narbel: Should we head back master.

Ainz: We shall. Hamsuke should be waiting for us outside. {I need to be wary of Kenji. He may be dangerous and I'm not sure... if he's telling the truth.}

Scene change

Kenji was inside the throne room. Looking at the throne. Glaring at it. Before disappearing again.

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