Ch 100 - Put Practice To The Test (Lemons)

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Kenji and Mina had been in and out of his domain. Her initial reaction being one of amazement and being exited to train quickly became one of boredom. She wasn't one to continually train for extended periods of time so Kenji kept on teleporting her to places. He needed to find a place she would actually want to train at. Eventually he found two training rooms she wanted to stick with. One was a large dance floor and the other was an arcade. Specifically a dance game Kenji had to reinforce. Kenji participated in the dance game and this only made Mina more dedicated to training.

She couldn't stand Kenji beating her score. Especially when he was so bad at dancing. And that's how 1 year and 6 months passed in his domain and 1 month in the my hero universe.


The machine read. Mina panting as she turned around covered in sweat.


Kenji was panting on the floor the sweat covered him as he tried to regulate his body temperature. But he was just so tired. Mina had made him constantly play the game for months. 24/7 Kenji was trying to dance and Mina now consistently beat him.

Kenji: Please just give me a break. We completed your training months ago. This is just torture now.

Mina: No, this is your training. I refused to admit I was beaten in dance by someone who acts like they have two left legs. Either you beat that score or we are going to stay here for a long long time.

Kenji: {Please kill me!!!}

Ophis and Red peaked though the door and saw Mina and Kenji.

Ophis: I think they're going to be in there for a while.

Red: It looks kind of fun though.

Ophis: I'll show you some fun.

Red: No god please no!

Ophis: You have no choice.

Ophis began to drag Red as he desperately tried to hold onto the door frame.


The door closed as Red lost his grip. Kenji turned around.

Kenji: {Huh. I thought I heard something.}

A shiver went down his spine.

Kenji: {I hope that isn't them doing that.}

Kenji left completely unaware that it wasn't Red that was a pervert. But Ophis. Being both a pervert and a nymphomaniac after her first experience with Red in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Time skip


Kenji was knelt on the machine as he had finally beat her score after months of practice and lots of magic. Though nothing he did looked like a dance.

Kenji: I... did... it!

Kenji slowly fell into Minas soft pillow like breasts. Like a new pillow they were soft but had a comfortable firmness to them. Mina held Kenji close as she stroked the back of his head.

Mina: Well done. So as your reward I have a question for you Kenji. Do you want me to be dominant this time.

Kenji was completely exhausted, not understanding what Mina was actually asking.

Kenji: Yeah, that fine.

Mina: Good boy.

Mina whispered in is ear. Kenji shuddered as he blushed in between her breasts. His body completely exhausted and he didn't understand what Mina actually said but the cold air in his ear felt nice. Mina noticed his shudder as she looked down at him.

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