Ch 120 - Unexpected Strength (2)

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Hundreds... no thousands of monsters swarmed out of the blood gate crowding the dark skies.

A veil formed over Deika city as Kenji looked at the bloody woman. She grabbed another one of her monsters and sunk her teeth into it. This monster had a look of ecstasy as it was sucked bone dry off all its blood and turned to a husk. She threw it away as it fell to the ground.

Jasmine: *Ahhhh~* There's nothing like sucking on someone to make you feel better.

Kenji: *Pfffffff.* Suck.

Many monsters charged forwards in the sky as Kenji pointed his two fingers forward. The daggers flying through many monsters as blood and bodies fell on the barrier. The barrier completely opaque so Deika city wouldn't realise the war going on above.

But no matter how many monsters Kenji killed, they wouldn't stop swarming from the blood gate.

Kenji: DAMN! I know they say don't judge a woman by their body count. But this is ridiculous.

Jasmine: Did... Did you just call me a whore?

Kenji: You said it, not me.

Jasmine slit her wrist and blood flowed out. Hundreds of blood spears formed around her as she looked at Kenji. More monsters pouring out the dungeon.

Kenji: {Hmmm. These numbers. Aren't looking too favourable.}



Kenji looked at her with squinted eyes. A small smile on his face.

Kenji: Just say that last part again.

Jasmine: How are...

Kenji: No no no, the next part.

Jasmine: In front of my infinite army.


Kenji then smiled as the light surrounded his body got hotter and hotter. Black sparks surrounded his body as two white great-swords formed in his hand. Merging them together to form and even heavier and larger sword.

Kenji: Come at me. Whore!

Jasmines face contorted as she fired her spears. Kenji charged as each spear collided with the daggers. Sparking as the blood spears shattered.

Kenji began hacking monsters down. His giant sword cutting them all down like butter to a hot knife. The sheer force of his strength causing air currents that ripped more monsters around apart. Trees far outside of Deika city flying around from the air pressure of Kenjis strength and 5% of One for All. The blood that splattered from the dying monsters being manipulated into spikes stars that tried to stab Kenji. A air full of spikes mines. But his armour broke the tips of all the spikes. The impact not even phasing Kenji as he had one person in his gaze.

But the monsters kept swarming him, more and more as he found it harder to fight. He had been hacking and slashing for a while but they wouldn't stop coming out the portal. He had killed thousands by now but there was no end.

As they past his slashes with his great-sword and many took hits from the daggers, they all jumped onto Kenji as he got hotter and hotter. Their screams ringing as they all burned. Kenji kept hacking and slashing. He made the great-sword disappear as he started clawing their heads off. Ripping and tearing at the monster while his daggers killed others.

Tens of thousands of monsters had died. Ripped apart, hacked to pieces, burned to death, stabbed. Blood lacing the air with spikes and a thin mist. Kenji burning hotter and hotter as even coming near Kenji now hurt the monsters. His clothes under the armour turned to ash long ago. Kenji continued to kill and kill. Blood threatened to stain his armour and body but the heat was too much and it made the red air thicker and thicker. Both Kenji and Jasmine surrounded by a mist of blood.

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