Ch 98 - She Back

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Kenji found his previous save file of My Hero Academia and went to it.

[Would you like to bring your followers?]

Kenji: No.

Kenji appeared surrounded by class 1A and teachers. Screams and shouts were heard. Some of them covered in blood as a fresh dead body was in front of them.

Kenji: Oh yeah. I left it here. *Sigh* Not my proudest moment.

Black liquid spread throughout the entire floor. Everyone having their eyes glaze over pink. Well all but one.

Kenji: Please don't make this harder on you Izuku.

Izuku was hanging from a beam with blackwhip. Avoiding the black mass on the floor.

Izuku: I won't let you get away with this! Even if you beat me down and break all my bones. I won't let you get away with this. Just because you have power doesn't give you the right to do what ever you want. With great power comes great responsibility.

Kenji turned around with a puzzled face.

Kenji: Did a rip off Spider-Man just quote him to me?

Izuku: Whose Spide...

A black tentacle shot out of the floor and slapped Izuku into a wall. He slowly stood up as his eyes glazed pink.

Kenji walked to Shigirakis body and looked at it. Placing his hand on the bodies head and turning it to dust along with the chair he was sitting on. Then using Overhaul he cleaned up all the blood from the floor, students and teachers. Then he destroyed the battle droids for good measure. Disappearing, leaving the rest to fall out of the daze. Confused on what just happened. But quickly arranging to find Kenji.

Kenji was standing on top of Tokyo tower, looking down at the city lights.

Kenji: If I'm going to bring her back it's got to be special.

Kenji lifted a hand as a large magic circle appeared. Clearing the skies of all their clouds revealed a large bright moon. Kenji gradually began to heat up making the cold air feel slightly warmer.

Kenji: Now let's get on with the plan. I believe the spell I needed to do was... Maximise magic, Control Amnesia.

A massive magic circle came from Kenji. He pushed all his power through it as it pulsed throughout the world.

Kenji: {Though I'm not a master at this I just need them to forget about Mina and the others death, my killer rampage and everything to do with Shigirakis capture. I don't need to replace memories. Though I wouldn't even know how to start if I did.} Now then. Where is that ring?

Kenji moved his hand throughout the storage space. Kenji instinctively felt the ring and pulled it out. Placing it on his finger as it shrunk to size.

Kenji looked at the ring. This was supposed to be a happy moment but he couldn't feel happiness. However, his heart was racing. He took a deep breath as he clenched his fist.

Kenji: *Sigh* Time for the embarrassing part.

A large light blue magic circle appeared underneath his feet. The magic circle slightly spinning.

Kenji: Shooting star Maori. Bring me back my Mina from before she got attacked by Shigiraki. I command you!

The ring got brighter and brighter. Becoming as bright as another sun right on earth. Then the light disappeared.

???: Where am I... ahhhhh.

The girl nearly slipped off the tower but Kenji grabbed her soft pink hand before she went completely off. The girl looked Kenji deep in his red eyes and Kenji looked deep in her yellow ones. Kenji slowly pulled her up as she regained her balance. Both firmly standing on top of Tokyo Tower.

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