Ch 92 - I Call Hacks

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???: Thank you for joining us. The area has become some what dangerous with reports of an increase in monster activity.

???: Well there's no need to worry. As long as we have me we won't be ambushed by anyone. So trust me when I say we will be fine. Aren't I just great Narbel.

The man with blonde hair had a glint in his eye as he looked over to Narbel. Narbel looked visibly angry and disgusted with what he said. Looking towards Ainz almost begging to be able to hurt the man. But Ainz dismissed her pleas.

???: Somethings coming.

Everyone looked towards the tree line and waited. The group seemed to have a big trust in this mana capabilities, but nothing came from the tree line. It was dead silent. Only the rustling of the trees could be heard.

???: I thought you said there was something Lukalutt?

Lukalutt: There was. I... I don't know why nothing came.

???: Maybe you've just gotten too sensitive.

Lukalutt: Maybe.

Ainz looked at the trees and then looked at Kenji. A black tentacle coming back out from the floor and jumping into Kenji.

Ainz: {What was that? There was definitely a small gathering of monsters. But then they froze, their Hp and Mp slowly draining until they died. I've never seen this kinda of power within Yggdrasil. Did he develop a new power when coming here. Maybe he's using a power from Yggdrasil differently. Actually it could be his hack. But... but game DEVs wouldn't allow a hacker. He knew a lot about Yggdrasil. Who is Kenji?}

Kenji didn't even face the tree line as he kept walking with the group. Kenji slightly whispering something.

Kenji: Cancel. {I didn't even get that much more power from them. Annoying. I guess I'll have to find bigger prey.}

Within the tree line they walked past, bone remains littered the floor. Some bones crumbling into nothing but dust.

Scene change

Kenji was lying down on the floor as the rest of the group were eating. Ainz and Narbel just conversing with the rest of the group.

Kenji: {If I remember correctly this group is killed by Clementine after we get back. Then there's also that necromancer. I'll have to kill that one too. Just like Demiurge and Nazaricks plan to take over the world. I'll take everything they believe as worthless. For now it's better to be on their side than against them.}

Narbel: Why are you just lying here?

Narbel asked standing over Kenji.

Kenji: Why do you care?

Narbel: I don't. I was just asking.

Narbel sat down next to Kenji looking at the sky the same as him.

Kenji & Narbel: {The stars look nice tonight.}

Scene change

After more travelling the group arrived at a village with a wooden wall around.

???: What's wrong Enfria?

Enfria had a worried look plastered on his face.

Enfria: This solid looking wall wasn't here before. I just hope that my friend inside is ok.

Lukalutt: Goblins!

Everyone was ready to attack as goblins surrounded the adventuring group.

Ainz: Wait.

A wooden gate opened as a blond girl walked out with a goblin by her side.

Enfria: ENRI!

Lukalutt: Why are there goblins here?!

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