Chapter 30

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I walked out the office, silently closing the door behind me.

I sighed and looked towards the hallway, I flinched.

It was Chuuya. He simply stood in the hallway with his arms crossed whilst leaning on the wall.

Then he chuckled, "Are you that tired?"

I sighed, again, "So?"

The ginger walked over to me, "A bit of a bummer, I wanted to invite you over again."

I blinked awkwardly when we gave me a soft smile. It was really cute.

'Fangirl.' I hate you.

I shrugged, "Not a problem, really, why though?"

"Same reason as always." he said, teasingly.

I thought for a moment.

"Maybe I'll have to pass, sorry." I excused.

He sighed, "That's fine, I mean, at least I can go with the other members to a bar later tonight."

I nodded and walked over to the elevator.


> Chuuya's POV. <

It was around 9 pm, me, Kouyou, Akutagawa and a few of the Black Lizard members were at a bar. I only had a glass of bourbon so far, meanwhile Tachihara and Akutagawa were having a sort of drinking contest. Somehow the dark agreed to drinking alcohol as its been a while since he's been with us when we go out.

I took a sip of my drink and sighed.

I wonder why Y/n declined my offer earlier..


I waited for her answer, my emotions bottling up, hoping she'd say yes to get at least talk and have a few drinks.

"Maybe I'll have to pass, sorry." she looked at me, seemingly feeling bad.

I frowned a little.

I sighed.

I really wanted her to come though...

-end of flashback-

I sighed, stirring the liquid in its glass, just staring at it as it gleams in the light.

"Thinking of her, I assume?" I heard Kouyou's voice beside me.

"Hm?" I turned to her, putting the glass down on the counter.

"Y/n, you've been staring at that glass for the past 5 minutes. Something is definitely on your mind."

Why does she know? How does she always read my emotions when it comes to people?

I sighed deeply, "So what if I am thinking of her? What do I do?"

"Why don't you just tell her? That's what you always do with all the other ladies you court."


Good idea, I guess..

"So... What do I do with it?" Y/n asked as she stared at the f/c bracelet in her hand.

"It's a bracelet... You wear it." I told her.

Her eyes widened a little when she most likely realised that it was a small gift for her. Hopefully she likes it.

"Thank you. I like it." she smiled sweetly at me, then slightly looking away with a small blush, seemingly thinking.

I sighed and then walked with her in the elevator.


"Boss?" I called out as I walked into Mori's office.

"Ah, Chuuya, I'd like to assign you something."

I stood in front of his desk, my hands in my pockets.

"What about?"

"Y/n, I'd like you to plant a bug." he stated.

My brows furrowed.

"A bug? Why?"

The dark haired man leaned in his seat, sighing.

"This task is important and the reason will be kept secret, for now. It's a harmless order, I don't see why you can't do it."

I swallowed.

I had to put a bug on Y/n?

Why would I even do that? Am I supposed to follow this order? How would I even do it?


I think I know how.

-end of flashback-


I'm sorry, Y/n..

"Chuuya!!" I heard Y/n snap at me.

I blinked and leaned on the railing.

"What?!" I glared at her.

She backed off, a little taken aback.

"Uhm... I was gonna ask if you're gonna stay in the elevator..."

I looked around.

We were on the ground floor, the elevator doors open with Y/n outside.

Oh... Shit.


I walked out the elevator and over to the front entrance.

Y/n's POV.

Is he mad at me or something? He's sending so many mixed signals..

Then my phone rang on a notification.

I took out my phone and opened it, checking my messages.

Endless Eyes [Chuuya×reader] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang