Chapter 18

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I open my eyes and saw blur. That was a good nap. But what time is it now?

I crawl over to the bedside table and look at the alarm clock. '16:27' it said.

I slept for more than 4 hours...

I heard my phone get a notification. I sigh before lazily grabbing it. It was a text message. From Chuuya.


:Y/n, if you're still up for the drink invite, you can come at 6 pm.

I smile, then sigh. That means I have to get ready. I don't wanna though, the bed is soo good right now..

Whatever. It was a power nap.

'Oh good, you're awake.'


'Cuz I thought you'd never wake up. You sleep like a log. A literal rock.'

"Bruh." I said aloud.

Getting up, I stretch my limbs. I heard the cracking of my knuckles and bones, so satisfying. My right arm was numb though. I out all my weight in it and now it's just pins and needles all over.

After finally getting my arm functioning again, I walk towards my closet. What to wear. I can't wait to finally have time to explore the rest of my apartment, I might find something cool.

Like a jacket. I found a nice maroon bomber inside one of the drawers.

I got a pair of jeans, a white tee with black linings and got ready to go.

It was soo cool looking too.


It was dusk outside. Well, this'll be nice for a walk.

I arrived at the address of which I assumed was Chuuya's house. He texted it to me earlier before I left.

I pressed the button and the doorbell made a buzzing sound. It took a second before the knob started turning and opened. 

Behind it was Chuuya, he was wearing a black shirt with beige shorts. His auburn hair really contrasted his outfit, in a really cute way..

"Good evening, Nakahara-san." I smiled as I greeted him.

"You too, Y/n. Come in." Wait, did he just call me Y/n??

'Yeah, he texted you with your first name earlier too..' Iris made another 'bruh' face.

I nodded and went inside. I closed the door before taking my boots off and placing them on the shoe rack in the hallway. His hat was hanging there too.

I also took my jacket off and put it on the coat hanger next to his own. At least my outfit looks a little less bright.

Looking around, I immediately noticed how open his apartment was. It looked so cozy somehow.

Walking over to the couch, I sat on it. No idea why but I was shy being in another person's house and just sitting on their sofa. 

I then started to admire the view from the half-open windows in his living room. That's when Chuuya came.

I turn and saw him holding two glasses and a bottle of wine. Damn, I have never tasted alcohol before. This'll be a first...

"Wine?" I smirk a question.

"Why not?" He replied, putting the glasses on the table in front of the couch.

Chuuya removed the cork with his ability easily and started pouring the red liquid into the glasses. Afterwards, he took one of them and took a small sip.

"So why did you want invite me over exactly?" I asked.

"Well, after that incident at the warehouse, the boss practically forced me to take a break for a week even with the business going around." He explains.  "Also, I want to talk with my new partner, possibly get to know her better."

I blinked before smiling at him. I picked up the other glass and sniffed it. Hmm..

"Well, I haven't tasted wine before so, this is probably something I would either like, or absolutely despise."

I had a sip of it. Woah.

"Yep, definitely the former." I blinked.

Chuuya chuckled before taking another sip of his and then he started asking me questions.

"Favorite color?"

I raised an eyebrow at why he asked me that question.   "F/c."


"Does writing count?" I shrugged. Chuuya nodded.

"Sexuality?" He then asked.

"What kinda question is that?" I raised another eyebrow at him. "Still, I'm an iron rod."

"Hm.." he nodded. I stared at him when I noticed he suddenly.. blushed?? What?
'Severe, that is severe.' 

"What about you?" I ask.

"You probably know everything already." Chuuya simply stated. "The rest is just personal."

"You're mostly right about that. Honestly, there's a lot about your past that I find interesting. Though you probably don't want to hear it."

"I don't, so please—don't."

"Why? Is it because you don't want to hear about it?" I persisted.

"What do you expect?!" He suddenly snapped.



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