chapter 7

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"I want to join the Port Mafia." I told him.

'Alright Y/n, you've been too, and I mean too casual in this situation. Do you even know what you're doing?!' Iris screamed at me.

Chuuya lowered the gun and looked at me. He turned back and opened a window front the wall behind him. I could make out the driver face through the small square shaped hole.

Chuuya said something to him before closing the window and turning back to me.

"Why do you want to join the mafia?"
He questioned.

"Because, 1, I need a place to work. 2, I already rejected the offer to join the detective agency because I want to join the Port Mafia. 3, I want to be in the mafia in the first place." I explained.

Chuuya gave me another unconvinced expression before I felt the car come to a stop. I rolled down the window. Surprisingly he didn't even bother to lock it.

Looking outside I saw the huge building of the Port Mafia headquarters. It was tall as freak!

"Hmm." I hummed quietly.


I walked in front of the door, that's obviously the one to Mori's office.
It was a lot taller that I remembered, but still cool either way.

The redhead knocked on the door and I heard a muffled 'come in' before he opened the door.

I stepped inside and saw the open glass floor-to-ceiling windows.

Approaching near his boss's desk, I saw Mori with his hands folded one over another with his head resting in between. I also caught Elise in the corner if my eye. She was drawing something, something I could barely see, but it was red.

I put my eyes back to Mori. He glanced at Chuuya behind me.

"Boss, I apologize for the sudden visit. But she wanted to see you." Chuuya gestured to me while walking forward.

"No it's fine, I had nothing to do in the current hour anyway." The boss replied and looked at the both of us. "It won't take more than a second to get rid of her if need be anyway!"

The redhead gestured for me to start talking. Clearly he was not in the mood.

"I want to join the Port Mafia, Mori-san." I tell him.

'That was quite straightforward.' Iris chimed. 'But is using the names really necessary?'

What dies she want me to use? Nicknames? I'm gonna be very offensive if I use those so no.

"Hm? How do you know my name?" Mori asked.

"She has a lot of info on herself about the mafia. But apparently she wants to join. She's not from any other organization." Chuuya half-scoffed.

I nodded and looked back at the boss.
Mori looked like he was thinking about it?

"Does she have an ability?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah." I answered myself.

"What is your name?"

"Y/n L/n." I say. "How many more questions are you gonna ask?"

"Oh no, that's it." Mori waved his hand up and down. "I guess you can work under Kouyou." He pointed to someone behind me.

I turn my head and see the female ginger in her traditional Japanese clothing.

"Not under. With." I stated. "I want to work with a partner. I work better with one. Mostly cuz I need someone that can help me with my stupidity during missions."

Mori gave me a confused look before looking behind me again. I heard the doors close with a thud sound.

I look back again and see the cute emo guy. Along with his subordinate, Higuchi.

"What about Akutagawa?" Mori suggested.

"No thanks. I'm not interested in staying with an Oreo haired emo during missions. Not to mention that his subordinate has a huge a-- crush on the guy." I reply. I turned back and gave a bit of a glare at the blonde woman.

Higuchi turned red before objecting to my statement. "No I don't, you liar!"

I smiled at her. "Higuchi-san, it's written all over your face."

'Seriously?' Iris gave me another 'bruh' face.

I turn back to the boss, I took a glance at Chuuya in the process. He was facepalming himself, clearly he lost all faith in me talking right.

"Well I guess you'll have to be working with him." The boss gave a look at the redhead. "He's worked with a partner before and we're somehow short on people at the moment so we can now separate him from Akutagawa during missions. Surely he wouldn't mind, right?" Since when was the Port Mafia short on men?

"What?! No!" Chuuya protested. "Why me of all people?!"

"I'm not complaining," I nudge him on the shoulder. "And hey, don't you like being tall? You're taller than me by an inch so make the most of it." I tell him.

"Fair enough." Mori exclaims. "L/N, welcome to the mafia!"

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