Chapter 29

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Y/n’s POV. (The next morning~~)

I walked inside the office and in the elevator really quickly. I wasn’t late or anything, it’s just that I was assigned to a mission, and let’s just say I’m excited.

I yawned when the doors closed. It was early. Today is gonna be fast, isn’t it..

‘Yeah, it’s like, 6:30.’ Iris sighed.

I sighed too, “The Black Iris.”

A dark cloud filled the space around me. I didn’t interfere with my vision though, since it just flew around me.

“First time you’ve actually summoned me.” She said, wait. Why did you sound like a person??

“Because I’m in my physical state, duh.” Iris rolled her eyes in my head, I can feel it.

“Uh- uhhhh, okay???” I was kind of confused but.. whatever. “Can you hide or like, do something cuz, I really don’t know what to do..”

Iris’ shadow seemed to stop moving and I was getting freaked out. What is she thinking about? What is Iris gonna do??

“Relax, scaredy-cat, I’m not gonna kill you or somethin.” Iris seemed to laugh at me kinda..

I sighed and then suddenly, the elevator doors opened. It caught me by surprise so I jolted back.

Then I realized, it was Chuuya. I gasped. Did Chuuya just use gel in his hair??

“Nakahara-san,” I smiled. “Good morning.”

///Chuuya’s POV.///

“Good morning.” Y/n beamed at me. She seemed happy today, she’s probably excited about the mission the boss was gonna assign us. Sigh, why did I even do this to my hair?! It’s so unnecessary. Ugh, I’m gonna beat up Tachihara later...

I stepped in the elevator and the doors closed. I better be careful, considering that this one is sort of broken.

I sighed before suddenly feeling shaking. Damnit, not again. This thing better get fixed or else I’ll murder the maintenance guy.

“Aah!” Y/n screamed. “What the actual shit..” she whispered.

I turned to her and saw a really frightened Y/n, her hands tightly gripping on the handrails of the now still box.

The elevator had completely stopped moving now and.. we were both stuck. Well, it’s a first time for Y/n but it’s the fourth time this month that this scenario happened. Sigh..

“You alright there, L/n?” I asked.

“I- I don’t wanna talk about it.” Her other hand was holding onto an inhaler. She gulped before taking a quick breather with it. Wait, was she scared?

“Are you alright?” I slowly went towards her.

She sighed, “I’m fine, this happens sometimes..”

Y/n was somewhat heaving so I started rubbing her back to calm her down. Why did seeing her like this break my heart so much? I guess I just feel sorry for her.


/////Y/n’s POV./////

Damnit, why did this have to happen, with this guy specifically? I’ve literally gotten used to being stuck I’m elevators but I just can’t control my damn reaction to it.

At least I had my inhaler with me..

“You good?” Chuuya asked as I let go of the handrail.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I looked down, embarrassment filling my entire soul.

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