Chapter 5

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It was Ranpo that pulled on my shirt.
Why though?

"Excuse me," he spoke. "But, what's your name?"

I had a pause for a second before realizing what he said.
"Oh, uh, Y/n L/n." I replied.

"Oh, oke. Can you please help me go somewhere for a bit, cuz I kinda forgot where it was and I didn't bring anyone with me." Wow. The Great Ranpo Edogawa was asking me a favor. And of course it was to bring him back to the agency.

"Uh sure?" I shrugged.

He nodded before treading forward like a kid. Yep, definitely a kid.

We took a few turns to go to the agency building. Hopefully he doesn't suspect that I actually know where I'm going. Don't act suspicious..

"So where am I taking you?" I asked Ranpo.

"Oh yeah, you just go to the agency."
He replied. He does realize, that if he asked a random person, they wouldn't know where to go, right? I think. I dunno I forgot. Do people know where the agency is? Even the civilians??

I sigh before stopping in front of the building, I entered the elevator and not the cafe from earlier. How far did I walk?

"Can I ask you a question?" Ranpo spoke. He was eating candy again.


"Are you an ability user?"

I paused. He does know, right? "Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing." He shrugged before putting a chip in his mouth. Where'd that even come from?

The elevator doors opened and I walked out, only to be greeted by a person, by accidentally bumping into them. 'All men are equal' I managed to make out above the person's head.

I just realized who it was and took a step back. "Excuse me, Fukuzawa-san." I bowed a full 180 degrees before standing back up straight again.

"Oi, Fukuzawa-san," Ranpo came up from behind me. "I forgot to ask Dazai to come with me to the cafe. Excuse me."

He excused himself past us before going through a door.

"If you'll excuse me sir." I said before turning around.

"Wait." He said. That one word made me stop and turn back around. How many times am I gonna do this today?
"What's the name of your ability?" Fukuzawa asked, pointing to behind me.

I turn my head and noticed a shadow behind me. Iris.

"The Black Iris, sir. Why?" I answered.

"Hm, miss, would you mind to join a detective agency?" He then asked.

Seriously? He wasn't even gonna check if I was a good or bad person first? Is this how he asked Ranpo to join or somethin? 'Dumbass..'

And that question. No, nah, no thanks. I've read too many fanfics of this and no thank you. Not interested. There's a lot more things than this..

"Huh? Uh, sorry, but I'm not interested. I already have a job I want to try anyway. Thank you for the offer though." I say before bowing again.

I finally turn around and go back inside the elevator.


Geez, that was tiring. But it was awesome.

'You've said that 15 times already. Please shut up.' Iris rolled her eyes. It was kinda weird with her back in my head now. She should definitely be a shadow more often.

I noticed a black car following not too far behind me. Based on the fanfics I've read, I know whose car it was.

It stopped just right beside me. Seriously? Why so cliché?

Two guys in black suits then grabbed my arms and tried to pull me instead. Obviously I fought back.

I kicked one of them in the pelvic area. Man, that's gotta hurt.

Right, there were two of them.

The other was still gripping onto my wrist until I stepped on his foot, hard.

I decided to sit down in front of the other person in the vehicle while the two tried not to scream and keep a straight face in front of their superior. The executive.

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